Luckiest near misses


At the risk of going full Pazza with only a little bit of water, I’ve been in two car roll-overs, had a large gumtree branch fall on me from a large height, and been tasered, tear-gassed and pepper-sprayed (not all at the same time thankfully). I’ve also been shot at (rifle, machine gun and rockets) and accidently (and superficially) been stabbed by a mate.

Oh, and I’ve also been in a truck that was hit by an IED.

By far the scariest near miss for me was becoming seperated from my then 2 year old son in a busy plaza in Barcelona. Turned out he was hiding behind a bush about 5m from me and thought it was hilarious. Worst two minutes of my life.


Haven’t had too many near misses where I’d consider it only good fortune that I, or others, weren’t seriously hurt (or worse).
Bout the only one that springs to mind is a car crash I had a week or two after getting my license, back in the days when P platers had no passenger restrictions.
Full car, and ended up going backwards down an embankment off Ringwood-Warrandyte Rd (at the intersection of Jumping Creek Rd for those familiar with the area) before rolling a couple of times and ending up on the roof.
Only injuries any of us took were some scratches from the glass as we crawled out the window.image


■■■■! Fair effort. Was that pre roundabout days?

inexperienced youth and cars.
first time close shave was in a mates car on the way to O week at Uni he rolled his Barina on a gravel road near my parents house and I was still trying to find the seat belt, as he had put a rug down on the back seat as he had his girlfriend over the previous night.
First car to pull up… was my mum who rang tow truck etc, it was pretty embarrassing even though i wasnt driving, and told him he was driving too fast, and he was inexperienced on gravel. No injuries tho, mate in front passenger seat tried to make out he had whiplash.

Second time I was driving and it was year 12 leavers night, on the way i touched the brakes and spun the car around on the gravel, same corner as my mate, came within a metre of a big rock, but was fine to carry on my journey.
I think overall it has helped my driving having some bad experiences early on, as have been pretty lucky since then.

Nah roundabout was there.
Was heading from Warrandye to Ringwood.
■■■■■■■ down rain but me being the ignorant youth I was then thought I’d be fine to drive though it at 40-50 clicks.
Clipped the edge of the roundabout, car got thrown towards the retaining wall on the right, panicked, and threw the wheel as hard as I could to the left.
Ended up spinning ~270 and running off the embankment where the bus stop is. Chain fence ripped out and wrapped around a wheel a half dozen times.
Up until recently you could still see the tyre tracks leading over the footpath from where I was still trying to accelerate forwards but the car was going backwards lol.