Luke Ball - what does he do again?

I suspect that physicists will unite quantum mechanics and general relativity before we are able to establish just why it is that we are paying the big bucks for Luke Ball.


I honestly donā€™t know what any of the coaches / staff do day to day. There was a period of time I thought the Weapon was awesome. I knew then (and still do now) sweet Carlton all.

Youā€™re not sure either?

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Last time I saw L.B he was actively involved in EFC training for the 2019 final. Hmm.

Has finally swapped the latte for a footy

Essendon Manager of Development and VFL talent.

Since when did his role change?

Hopefully Paul can confirm what he actually does.

Iā€™m curious.

Probably about the same time a shed load of staff got the flick at the end of last year

There was a few posts about this above in the lead up to last years AGM. From memory, someone had a screenshot of an org chart with this title around the time we hired Tudor

When Blitz figured out what his role was.

Bally moved into the VFL list management and development role after the last season.


List development must be our greatest failing so you would have thought they would put someone in that role who was actually good at it, rather than someone who has become known for people not knowing what he has done.

Lots of people have jobs that I donā€™t know exactly what they do. Doesnā€™t mean they arenā€™t good at it.

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Richos mate. Important role. Not many others prepared to do it

I have a job that Iā€™m not sure exactly what it is I do that I am bad at but have enough bluff to make the right people think Iā€™m not.

Iā€™ve got the right bluff


Luke ball is still stood down by the club apprently



Will be a massive loss if trueā€¦ so what did he do again?


He was in charge of our VFL program

Guess weā€™ve dropped the ballā€¦