Lunchtime Catch Up Podcast - Nate Caddy & Xavier Duursma join the show

Here it is!!! Our first ever call in Lunchtime Catch Up Podcast show. Fans called into the show to discuss their thoughts on Essendon 2019 and 2020 moving forward. We open the show also discussing Joe D and Raz situation.


Thanks boys- ATM I wish I had the opportunity to ask Xavier Campbell one question.
Why should I renew my four memberships with reserved seating for 2020?



Plenty of reasons.


I am just really disillusioned with our direction atm. I really think other clubs around us are going to go straight past us - Carlton, Dogs and Saints to name a few. Geelong and Hawthorn are topping up again. I went to every home game in 2016 and have barracked for the Bombers since 1981 so I guess the tipping point is getting closer.


Each person has their own right to do what they want… for me i support Essendon FC as a first… but with my membership i can also critique and ask questions… but membership is my own commitment on what i can do for club


Good Fun!

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great listening. fantastic concept should do it more often. will never happen but wish efc would do something similar unsantitised nor prescripted. sometimes you just got to call it as you see it…

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Cheers Surrey

Listened to the Fan Call Back Show… Great work. Loved hearing what other Bomber supporters had to say… Seems like there is a lot of agreement. Some really good observations and impressions. Could say that no-one was really upbeat about next season!
Fair enough too… I was more excited going in to the 2019 season than I have been for years… not going to fall for that again! No more getting sucked by to the hype coming out of the club…


Cheers Red

Spot on.
I think the supporters have been fooled one too many times over the last 15 years, with hype coming out of the club. There is far too much talk and hype, without any performances to back it up.

Then they get stuck in the cycle of redemption.


Fair call

Cheers for all the feedback everyone. Tried something different and it seems to of be taken quite well. Much appreciated

Interesting listening to the podcast today in light of today’s events. There is something seriously wrong at the club and we are expected to show continuous blind faith in the leadership. So many other clubs have improved their lists in the last few days after no doubt a lot of work in the past year. What do we do? sit on our hands and do nothing while Jo is having a coffee with Tom? Are we naive, stupid or incompetent?

Lunchtime Catch Up quick reaction podcast show to Joe Daniher request to join the Swans

Really surprised by the optimism and faith in Dodoro. The only constant during our missing years. I would argue he has had as many misses as hits and would totally question his outcomes.


Ah. Don’t have the energy to give two ■■■■ kicks out on the full anymore.

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I do in trade period… history says i should too. Drafting however completely different

I try to stay positive but an image of Joe in a Swans jumper is just a bitter pill to swallow no matter what picks we get. It is almost the same level as Wanganeen though I can understand that situation. trade for lifestyle, yes what a load of bull dust. it is all money so Swans need to pony up big time or no deal. time for the club to grow a back bone. dont care if he walks as free agent next year. time to get some respect back.

wnagers also gave better service than joe. a flag, a brownlow and finals wins

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Here it is!!! We discuss and deep dive into the Curious Case that is Essendon FC 2019 so far. Josh Green also joins the show to discuss Essendon, his thoughts on booing or abusing players and his career in general. It’s a big one!!