Make the US Politics Thread Great Again

This is brilliant. It took a slimy SOB to take down another slimy SOB.

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This went as well as could be expected. The Twitter comments are good for a Sunday morning chuckle.

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Ow. The GOP could never have seen that coming, right?

World, I am so so sorry…

…and, I am henceforth removing “being, like, really smart” and “stable genius” from my CV.

57 PM

My favorite. Lmao. (Rude word… repeatedly …)


Everyone loves a stable genius.

He’s the guy on the interwebs who tells you they have an IQ of 130.

Because, they did the Facebook IQ test someone designed to give everyone a score of 130 regardless of how they answered.

The ORIGINAL “stable genius”


‘In the field of psychology, the Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias wherein people of low ability suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly assessing their cognitive ability as greater than it is.’

Kind of makes sense.
You need a certain level of intelligence to realise your intelligence isn’t anything to brag about.
And of course a certain level of social skills, too.


Yep, hence the reverse also holds true.

Very stable.



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Sounds like a lot of posters on this thread.

Frankly, anyone who thinks that Trump is not extremely clever probably is not equipped to judge a persons intelligence. He has proven time and time again that he succeeds at most things he turns his attention to.

Once could be a fluke, twice could be a coincidence, three times and its more than likely a trend.

Stupid Incoming … :roll_eyes:

Anyone who thinks Trump isn’t an idiot,… Is an Idiot.


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Yes, it has been a very successful presidency. The most successful.


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And yet people still continue to be conned time and time again.

No wonder Ponzi schemes are so successful - there are obviously a lot of fools who believe anything they want to believe.