Make the US Politics Thread Great Again

And just for some of you, Obama signed a bill in his first term allowing certain workers to have the ability to carry firearms in their luggage and into National Parks.

So unless you have some bright idea of either mass hypnotising the NRA into reversing their decision or banning lobby groups then gun laws will not be reversed.

Is there any evidence that this guy would have been prevented from getting a firearm under previous legislation?
We have very strong gun laws in this country yet bikies seem to be able to get their hands on basically whatever they want.

The fact is, if you want to get something you will. Humans are very resourceful.

“Thoughts and prayers” is shifting it from being a person’s problem to the almighty’s problem.

Coward’s way out.

wtf the ■■■■ is this I don’t even…

Which workers?
Under what circumstances?
And what the ■■■■ does this have to do with anything?

It’s just more distraction.
Obama Is Not The President.
His greatest regret was that he couldn’t change gun laws.

Trump, and this is only relevant because he IS the President, wouldn’t know a regret if it bit him on the balls.

No more distractions.
No more excuses.
Just ■■■■■■■ TRY.
Or accept that you don’t want to.

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It’s a way of showing empathy - something which many of you seem to be very short on.

In no way, is he blaming anyone but the shooter.
Stop being a goose.

America’s best chance for proper gun control was after Sandy Hook with Obama in power.

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Nothing will work.
Won’t try.
I am okay with how things are.

Got it.

A President can’t change gun laws. He can only strengthen gun laws.

Some of you seem to think the US President has some sort of despotic ability to do whatever he/she wants.

He’s not a lame duck President just yet.

No you haven’t got it.

How do you think blaming Trump for this and attributing genuine statements as ‘victim blaming’ helps anyone but your ego.

When you deliberately roll back gun control legislation its not empathy, its gross hypocrisy.


Again, is there any evidence that under old laws this guy would not have been able to get access to a firearm?
Define a mental illness for me.

If he and the Republicans do nothing, which they will, which you are promoting, then they are accountable.
They are culpable.

DO something.
Or do nothing.
Those are the options.

■■■■ your diversions.
This isn’t difficult.
It’s a ■■■■■■■ obscenity that you either react to because it’s abhorrent, or you don’t.


Seeing 17 kids get shot and saying eh, what can you do.


There are moments in life when no matter how strong the Troll-instinct one should just keep quiet. But, hey, what you gonna do?

So gun control legislation is ineffective and a waste of time now?
Maybe take a look at gun deaths Australia vs USA.

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Cartoon of an idiot.

It would take about 25 or 30 senators to swap from “almost anyone being able to get assault rifles is fine” to the “nah” position.

That is what it would take. No more. No less.

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Or, maybe we could just look back to 14yrs ago and re-instate some “old laws”.

If tomorrow, Trump rolled back the rolled back gun laws from last year, Trips would be doing backflips to justify why it’s a great idea, the best idea, an idea no one else has ever had, the yugest idea in America’s history, and Obama did nothing about gun laws, you lefty, antifa fascists.



I see.

Pity there’s no body which could enact legislation to limit or stop this problem.

I guess that’s why he gets paid the big bucks.