Make the US Politics Thread Great Again

Thanks. I was just curious about it as i’ve been through quite a bit and never ended up much out of pocket.

Was it seen as something ‘elective’?

No. Spinal surgery requires top range.

Oh wow. Thought it would have been covered but as you say, you would have been in pain for a long time waiting!

ICE have lost 1475 kids that they removed from their parents after being detained crossing the border. That’s 20% of the children they dealt with.

This is the kind of insidious stuff that often goes unreported or under-reported because we are all so shocked by this administration’s corruption, racism, pornstar fetish etc. These kids could be anywhere and likely in danger of exploitation.

Surely you know this is not a new issue to this administration. Unaccompanied child refugees were being handed over to traffickers & abused under Obama & long before him as well.

Regardless of administration it is pretty horrendous. Adding children removed from their parents as the current admin is accelerating to the unnaccompanied isn’t likely to reduce it. Part of the problem seems to be federal authorities handling the disposition of the children rather than state level authorities who have better systems for fostering.

So JBomb does that make it OK ?

I love this argument; Trump is bad but so have all the rest so that makes him good.


As big a critic of the Orange Orangutan as anyone, but @JBOMBER is right in this instance. This isn’t a problem of the Trump administrations making, this is an ongoing and rather insidious problem. You don’t just “lose” children that are in your care. There is a high likelihood that these children have been trafficked by US officials, and you can’t blame Trump for that, that is an institutional problem.

Is the forced removal of all children from their accompanying parents new? That’s a genuine question, I don’t know, but I am interested.

It is a blight on any admin that was unable or unwilling to combat it.


The issue is that by law, if a border agent can’t determine the parentage of the child, i.e. can’t be certain that the adults the child is travelling with are it’s parents, they are required to remove the child. Also if they believe the child is in danger from the adults. This is a way of trying to stop trafficking and I believe was implemented well before Trump came to office. While there has been a lot of talk about Trump separating children from parents as a deterrent, that is a separate issue.

What are the chances that if you have an institution that is potentially handballing 1 in 5 kids in its care off to child traffickers that said institution will show restraint when applying such a law?

I think you burn an institution with problems like that to the ground and start again.

Who’s in charge of the institution?

Agree wholeheartedly. This is the problem you have when your entire nation is premised on the pursuit of money above all else. From the President (incumbent) down, it essentially operates on the principle of look out for number one and line your own pockets regardless of the consequences to anyone else.

Massacres of people! Who cares as long as gun makers are turning a profit. Pollution killing rivers and people downstream of the factories! Who cares so long as the coal mines can reopen. People dying from lack of medical care! All good if Dr.s can buy their Ferrari’s and Maybach’s. Children sold into slavery! All good if the seller makes a good profit. People suffering from lead poisoning! Let’s just ignore the science and cover it up because to do otherwise might impact on our bottom line. Let me sue someone because i’m either a. To stupid to read the instructions or b. Have the right to do what I want and act like a ■■■■ and you can’t tell me I can’t. Let’s not immunise children because some playmate who is famous for her ■■■■ and not her intelligence tells me that it’s bad m’kay, and along the way she can make a fortune by encouraging idiots to trust her.

Money is God in the U.S. followed by the belief that the other God is on their side and supports any ■■■■ they believe they should be allowed to do. They have the “God given right” to bear arms. Funny that I have never heard a religious organisation support that view. Not like the Catholic Church has come out and said “Yes, God has delivered a proclamation to the Pope that every U.S. citizen has the right to carry a gun whenever and wherever they like.”


When did I say its makes him good? I’m simply calling out the hypocrisy of trying to blame a long standing issue on this administration & its policies.

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Forgetting Trump or Obama or whatever for the moment. Those numbers are insane.

Who blamed trump?

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In this particular case DonMania sort of implied that this was the Trump administrations doing, which it really isn’t.

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No-one. Not mentioned until JB.

But ■■■■■■■ over migrants was one of Trump’s core promises, so their welfare is unlikely to improve under an administration that is openly hostile towards them.

Why do you get involved in this Tripper-type nonsense ? No-one blamed Trump for this ongoing shame.

A bit like just blaming Linberals for our refugee mess.

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