Make the US Politics Thread Great Again

Thanks for the clarification, I honestly hadn’t heard the campaign funds part quantified before & the focus from the media has been more on the salacious parts (typical gutter journalism).

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He doesn’t have any, only ones that get him votes.


Wot the??

This is fkn incredible if true. Evidence?

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No evidence mate. Just an admittedly out there guess. You don’t just lose that many kids and trafficking of kids is supposedly pretty big business in the good ole God fearing US of A. As i said originally, a fair chance that some of these kids are being disappeared and handed over, otherwise how do you explain child protection agencies losing nearly 1500 kids?

Twitter rants again, ranging from the merely dishonest to angry unhinged dishonest:

Calls the NY Times fake news and claims they invented a fake source within the WH. The report in question was based on a background briefing given to the entire press corp by a member of his communications team in the WH Briefing Room. The briefing was recorded, though I’m not sure the actual official has been named yet as obviously the whole deal of a briefing on background is that you agree not to name them. If it’s just going to be used as a mechanism for further preparing his base to reject the results of any external scrutiny of Trump (whether media or DOJ) then surely the agreement is invalid?

A long rant on how there is no Trump/Russia, only Democrat/DOJ/FBI/Mueller/DonCheadle/Australia/UK/anyone-but-me/Russia. Definitely prepping the base there.

Lit into the FBI for not warning him about Russia. They did warn him in 2015.

In regards to the 1 in 5 “lost” kids from ICE, he said go talk to the Democrats. Sometime he likes to daydream that he’s not the President, with control of both houses of Congress. The use of the forced removal of children from their parents as a deterrent to illegal border crossings is his policy. I accept the suggestion by JB/LB that there has been a problem with ICE’s handing of children for some years.

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Sometimes there does need to be a separation of criticism of Trump because he’s an idiot, and criticism of Trump because he’s the President of the US.

The oblique is not obvious to the obtuse? That particular issue is one where I can’t understand why there is not a bi-partisan groundswell to act divorced from all other battlelines.

Looks like I missed quite a night!


Distract, deflect, obfuscate, and flat out bald face lie when necessary.

Trumpism 101.


Interesting take. I suspect this isn’t just restricted to the US but to the majorities in most nations.

Mate, you even see this same phenomenon in this forum.

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4,600+ Americans likely killed due to the Hurricane and it’s impact in Puerto Rico. Why is this not news?

I’m going to be cheeky and say it is news, given you got that from the Wapo.

But not being cheeky and taking your point then yes, Puerto Rico does seem to have been under-reported in the media, swallowed up in the rolling brawl of the Presidency. That estimation is over 70 times the official toll, and fair chunks of the island still do not have power.

We have a government that has demonized Hispanics by linking them to illegal migration. Puerto Ricans are Americans but have been neglected and marginalized as such. Can you imagine the outrage if this many Americans had died not just due to a hurricane but the neglect since in a place like Ohio or Kansas?


This is interesting.


Out: John-un
In: Kardashian

We have sunk a long way very quickly


Is that legit? Or just Doe doing what Doe does?


I have a good imagination…, but not that good.