Make the US Politics Thread Great Again

3018? LOL

Damn. The button I pressed said “FOREVER”.


+18 months.

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Anyway, those Democrats, should all be jailed if you ask me.

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Why does that term remind me of Soylent Green?..

Immigrants (especially those who arrive from poorer countries) tend to get jobs at the bottom of the pile…the ones that locals tend to sneer at.

I always laugh when I hear how migrants are taking our jobs.


Why exactly do you equate stemming the flow of illegal border crossings with the country becoming anti-immigration? Do you not see the difference? The US is still far & away the largest destination country for legal immigrants. Illegal immigration is a completely different issue & I’m not sure why there would be any assumption that the children of legal immigrants should automatically be anti-borders.

More immigrants = larger economy.

Immigrants pay for:

  • food
  • housing
  • entertainment
  • healthcare
  • education
  • everything else that the local population buys

So where immigrants arrive, local businesses grow to meet the increased demand.

Immigrant crime is generally lower. There are exceptions such as ostricised youth, but on average immigrants commit less crime, largely so they don’t get deported.

Immigrants work, often harder than locals. They fill low skill, low salary jobs. There is little competition with educated or skilled locals. The growth in the economy from immigrants balances the jobs they fill.

There’s only one group of locals which are legitimately affected by immigrants, unskilled workers. They are competing directly with immigrants for the lowest barrier for entry jobs. This is maybe 5% of the population, 95% are either unchanged or slightly better off.

This is what happened when 250k Cubans fled from Castro and appeared in Florida. The migration was studied intensely and very few negative effects were seen in the real world.

In fact, states who have implemented anti-immigrant policies have started to have seriously negative economic impacts. E.g. Fruit pickers aren’t turning up and unemployed locals don’t want the jobs. Neighboring states with pro-immigrant stances are ticking along fine.


As I see it, the issue consuming America at the present time is the separation of the children from their parents, not the issue of stemming potential illegal entry of families,



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About time

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And here I was thinking it was all the Democrats’ fault and they alone could fix it…


Good that he backed down. Congress really need to get involved, they can craft a better fix to some of these specific issues. Putting on my hopelessly hopeful hat maybe bi-partisanship can work on some narrow targeted bills with the destructive Trump whirlwind somewhat removed.

Immature child smashes an antique. Promises to smash no further antiques. Meanwhile the first antique lies shattered on the ground.


I was wondering about this this. IMO they have a responsibility to reuinite 11k kids with their families.


See, I thought only Congress could fix it.


I thought it wasn’t happening at all

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Another comedy rally.