Make the US Politics Thread Great Again

Although I don’t disagree that you need to stay true to your policy and ethics, or at least the broad goals, surely compromise is an inherent part of Democracies? That you won’t always be able to get exactly what you want (especially if your position is more fringe), but you can negotiate to get a better result than the alternative, that either gives you a few wins or moves the needle slightly more in your direction?

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Why are the Dems evil? There are a few things I might classify as that that occurred under Obama, but they were all foreign elements. As far as domestic policy goes, I’d have said the Obama years were pretty evil free.

And when someone votes in a way that is likely to help a particular candidate, and then that candidate wins, then what that candidate does is certainly on the person voting. It is basic responsibility and taking ownership, not victim blaming.

That is a damn lie. In fact its a filthy lie. That senate seat could make the difference in the Dems flipping the Senate in either 2020 or 2021. Ask a woman, african-american, transexual person how they feel about Ginsberg being replaced by a Supreme Court judge that has to get through a Dem vs. Republican senator, and then come back and tell me how you can blatantly lie that it won’t improve people’s lives.

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Yep, sorry. The USA is awesome when the Democrats are running the joint.

It’s only when the republicans are in power that people die in gutters outside of hospitals. Bombs only killed brown civilians on the other side of the world when Bush was in power. Nutjobs with automatic weapons never appeared when Obama was POTUS. Nor Clinton. Of course, people only stop working 2 jobs to avoid starving to death when the Whitehouse turns blue.

Must be me who has it wrong. America is great. It doesn’t need making great “again”, because a democrat was in power. It only got ungreat again when the orange shitgibbon took over.

■■■■ the place. It’s a complete shithole that allows itself to be completely beholden to corruption no matter what flavour of exploiter runs it.


I think what Ding is saying, is that America needs a 2nd Civil War,… only this time with Cukes Zukes, . dammit, … Nukes.

Nice way of avoiding having to answer of why Dems are evil.

At the end of the day, Republicans have controlled all three houses for 8 of the last 18 years. Dems have controlled it for 2, and that was after being handed the immediate aftermath of the worst economic crisis since the great depression. Funnily enough, Dems have had way less opportunity to change things, yet still made major advances for average Americans in that period. Changes the Republicans have spent the last two years unwinding, or trying to.

If you’re looking for a silver bullet to cure everything wrong in America, I suggest reading fantasy books. Because reality is that no party can undo the damage done quickly, and for the Dems to make a real dent they need to win all three houses for a decent chunk of time.

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What further proof do you need?

Not to pick, but how does that maths work? I think I missed something (and no I am not trying to be a ■■■■ or argue about Dems or Repubs, just a question about that line).

EDIT: do you mean they have controlled all three at the same time for 8 and the Dems all 3 at the same time for only 2, the rest of the time it has been split?

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There’s been plenty of states that have solidly blue over the past generation including control of all 3 branches at a state level.

Ignoring gun control(states have little power) where is the state that presents as the progressive utopia to highlight what could be at a federal level. Should t they have created it in one of the states by now?

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Damn it Boot. I was going to come in here and show off with terms like “intergenerational income elasticity” and you beat me to the punch.

The US as the land of opportunity is a myth. Access to health and education perpetuate a rigid class structure that no one likes to admit.


Not under the Democrats though.

Everybody gets college, government funded healthcare and their own unicorn.

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Well, as long as you are born on the coasts AND are not African-American or Hispanic AND come from a household that is not indebted AND manage to get into a good college with at least some scholarship AND land a job that pays for your healthcare AND earn enough to be able to afford rent AND…



Come on Dingus, your point is clear enough but you have acknowledge big picture distinctions. You can definitely say ■■■■ the place, but I’d be more concerned with what one side brings to the table on a planet wide level. We’re living it and it’s ■■■■■■■ scary. The other side is a bit closer to sane.

I’ll pick you guys up at the airport DM


Why are we pretending that the states is t the wealthiest country in the world?

Sure they could share that wealth better, but if your in the top 50% of Americans your on a good wicket.

You don’t need a trust fund to be lucky in America.

Wow, it almost like voting requires a measured weighing of pros and cons on multiple sides, like any grown-up decision, isn’t it?

Or at least we can use the U.S as a cautionary tale.

I acknowledge them, for sure. I agree wholeheartedly that the Republican agenda is worse than the Democrat agenda.

I disagree completely that things will get better under Democrat rule. They’ll get slightly less worse.

I can’t respect a nation that completely rules out a potential solution to the very thing it demands when it says “drain the swamp”.

I cant respect a nation that enshrines a right to protect itself from oppression and then votes to be repressed, while pointing the protection at schoolchildren.

I can’t respect a nation that takes massive dumps on the rest of the world for financial / political gain.

I can’t accept the attitude that people who vote in a way that suggests they are sick of every element of the above should be blamed for doing so.

If the big picture is still a steaming pile of vomit, burn the ■■■■■■■ picture.

You’ve got all these guns, use them.

Yeah, but it’s also chocked full of decent and intelligent people who are deeply bitter and ashamed of what’s transpired over the last couple of decades. We’re a ■■■■■■■ joke too, just lucky most of the continent is a desert and we haven’t spread like a virus. Scratch the surface of any 1st world nation and you’ll see its rude beginnings.


I don’t disagree with anything in that.

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I dispute your 50% figure.
I’d be interested in a median comparative.