Make the US Politics Thread Great Again

or you, or is that sanctimony?

If someone says they are Christian or any other religion I tend to accept it in good faith. Even if they have never, or can’t, read their holy texts; even if they are bad examples of the faith and misrepresent all others who go by the same label.

If Trump, or Clinton, or Obama or the westboro nutters say they are Christian, then they are Christian. Same goes for all the Islamic terrorists, they have a right to define what their religion is to them even if 99% of Muslims disagree with their ‘brand’ of Islam. Same goes for all the people who claim to be a particular faith, but haven’t gone to church or temple, or read their holy texts since they were kids.

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Who are you to be able to declare anyone is not a Christian?

Religion is all about faith and belief, and even Donald Trump can be a Christian if he thinks he is. Obviously not all Christians are good people and neither are all us atheists.


Go easy on Icey. Judging others is embedded in the DNA. He probably can’t help it.

you know the USA despite the bad headlines, overall is not a bad place under trump.

sure he keeps saying terrible things, employing incompetent people and perhaps acting criminally personally.

but the influence of government there on general life is quite small.(at least my impression).

it’s no worse. and in many ways better than years gone by.

trump is for better and worse highlighting that a lot of politics is literally hot air. sure hes scum. but it doesnt matter for many peoples day to day lives and many their lives are getting better.

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Unless you aren’t white or poor

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well if you believe the statistics, blacks and hispanic unemployment is at an all time low.

whilst america is not the best place to be poor, it’s no worse than it’s been in the last 20 years.(that I can remember)

Obama wasnt a magic bullet for the poor and it’s hard to argue it has regressed since.

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Number of uninsured Americans has risen since trump and the Republicans gutted their own Healthcare plan.

yeah but more people are putting food in their belly and a roof over their head.

on trump’s politics. its dirty but effective.

he has politicians arguing over his wall across the country. which of course is ridiculous. but it keeps debate on a tough stance on immigrants. which is generally always good for governments.(generally speaking)

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And more people are dying unnecessarily because they can’t afford to keep themselves alive or going bankrupt

and health insurance rates have been constant for the past ten years. about 60% of the population.

so it’s no trump phenomenon

I’m Pastafarian.

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Not bad for someone who can’t feild, can’t bowl

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Its important to note we are nearly the end of a global economic cycle that is 10 years old. Bankruptcies are likely to be at a minimum at this point in the cycle. The next 1-4 years will be quite interesting.

I would also like to say that while I don’t agree with many of your points (Trump isn’t a successful business man / property developer being the key one!) I do like the way you put your ideas forward. Largely without any malice (well maybe you have somewhere earlier but I haven’t seen it) it is something we can all learn from.


What if someone tells you that he/she is a liar?

Do you believe them?

Then what do you make of their statement?

Under-rated post.

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Vander :heart: Vander

I have 2 accounts…

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on bankruptcies in the USA. that website has historical data back to the early 80s. America is travelling very well regardless of cycle. That there is some drop off in health insurance(which could be read as a positive or negative if it was true) is just a furphy.

re:trump and his business and personal life. Its come under a lot of scrutiny. it would be impossible to argue that he is anything but a pretty ■■■■ bloke.

socially he is almost the lightening rod and incentive IMO for #metoo. I do wonder if this sort of stuff would have gotten as much traction under Obama.

Sometimes I think conservatives in power is the best thing for social issues. As it motivates the people to change based on the outrage of their political leaders. And really social change has to come from society.

that last bit is just a bit of theory. love to see if that has any backing in psychology.

Trump and Russia is just obvious. I mean Americans elected a property developer. what do they expect of the man. it’s his business to grease the wheels of politicians. He has had successes and failures.

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