Marriage is totally Gay

Too true.

he would be loving it tho, and I can just imagine Andrew Bolt tomorrow, moister than an oyster.


So nobody (apart from a ‘staffer’) was a witness to this alleged assault. Hmmmm.

Lucky though I was hiding in the bushes and got some footage.

Everything will become apparent, eventually.

Did this staffer say in this alleged head-butt whether the alleged Tasmanian attacker used one or both of his heads?


I hope you’re not suggesting Abbott would use this issue for his own personal gain.


The irony is that it was Abbott who got the ball rolling with the plebiscite, proposing it back in 2015, and probably intending it to be a circus with him as the ringmaster.

It seems like he got his wish and it is easy to imagine that becoming the “victim” would be a victory for him on a number of levels.

It is sad and wrong that someone used violence against him, again on a number of levels, and they should face the consequences.

However it is not hard to imagine why people would be angry at him for giving people a platform to express hate and “justify” their prejudice against people who should have the right not to be vilified or discriminated against.


Oh dear. That’s bluddy terrible.

What has Tone ever done or said to make someone want to headbutt or punch or kick him?


What was that about Hate begetting Hate?


I hate Abbott as much as the next person with morals, but if that headbutt is legit, that’s not cool.

Neither is victim blaming him.

This whole thing has ended up a bigger disaster than was expected, and that’s quite something.

Everybody just needs to vote, and then shut the fark up.


Was it a headbutt or a shirt front gone wrong?

*Shouldn’t do it either way.

I’m betting he just walked into a mirror and for a fleeting moment saw a hideous man come at him and contact their head with his.


Friends become enemies.

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I just can’t hear that guys name without thinking of this:

Note: So, it appears blackface was ok on Aussie TV in 1993?


And in Hollywood in 2008.

Satire has its own, separate rules.


@barnz Was this you?


Say no to Fruitophobes

I know if I was allegedly assaulted in the street, i would call 2GB to talk bout it instead of call the police and file a report.

Seems like the police had to call him to find out what happened.

But yep…the bloke definitely had a “Yes” badge on. Because as we all know, Tony always is truthful to the public.

This is a good and sensible article.


  • The pollies on all sides have screwed the pooch.
  • The No campaign trying to make it about Safe Schools, free speech etc is total and utter dishonest bollocks designed to divide and distract.
  • the Yes campaign getting angry and indignant is what the No campaign want to maximise the divide.
  • the only truly decent move is to consider the real issue and vote a resounding Yes.

Cant disagree with any of that. So get to it, folks, and move on.


So the results are tabulated and released on November 15? Gonna be a loooooong few months…

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What’s the cut-off date for the postal survey returns? Early October?

Is there any point to campaigning past that point?