Match review. Hawks victim 1

Dat smack goal…


■■■■■ OUT LADS


SMACK’S goal made me FAP. No lies!

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And McGrath is set and forget. Fk me he’s good. Enjoy the next 299+ lads.


Yep. I had no faith in him kicking it until he told Goddard to fark off.

Then it was certainty.

Hepp got his strut back pretty damn quickly.


Ultimate wog blitz.


Media crowned Martin the brownlow winner Thursday… I reckon Heppell and zerrett just put in some rebuttal.


All elite, like true elite, midfielders. Wooooooo hoooooo


Oh that ■■■■ mclure got a spot on the idiot box. :poop::poop::poop::poop:
Good way to use the turd emoticon for the first time.

EDIT; wrong McLure!

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Can’t stop smiling


Can anybody else who went talk about the tension in that first half, that wasn’t like any footy game i’ve been to in my life. Season opener, lots of returning players, you saw the roar of 80k really effecting the players (i think the cheers threw jobe off a bit lol)

Heppell played the perfect captain’s game and kicked some captain’s goals. Rusty? LOL

Brownlow odds for Zerrett? he not only executes brilliant kicks but the angle he puts them at for the player to break open the field is something to behold that you only get a full grip of sitting in level 4, so clever around the ball.

Parish is a game winning player, that steal at HF for a goal, wow

Raz is a freakshow, you can’t compare him to mercuri or anyone, he in his own way is an out and out star, kicked 2 goals of the year in one game from ridic places

Jobe solid, the cheer was amazing

Hooker kicked his usual 2-3 and is mega dangerous with Raz and JoeDan being major threats too

JoeDAn was exceptional, if that long punt bounced the right way I reckon we would have trounced them earlier

Bags was as good as his peak form which was amazing to see

I love Smack, absolute beast of a player, doesn’t lose 1 on 1’s if you kick it to him, doesn’t even lose 2 on 2’s, just ragdolls any player who isn’t of kp or ruck build, and he has that freakish ability go manufacture 1 to 2 goals a game, definitely in our top 5

BJ was great except for a few miskicks, that right is still a low cutting weapon

Zaka was okay in patches but still doesn’t use his pace defensively at all

McG is Zerrett with a bigger leap. What an amazing first game performance.

Hurls was great but a bit rusty, took some big marks in the last quarter when we needed him though

I think we have better backs than Gleeson, cost us a few goals through panic/lost in traffic

We played great there were a few essington kicks outta the backline but from memory I don’t think I’ve seen us player that sort of footy in over ten years.

Chin up people, we actually have a potent forwardline!


watching our midfield carve it up


It’s gonna be pretty damn difficult to tag us out of games this year.
Imagine if we’d actually had a fit belly or loony out there instead of just smack on his own. Our midfield is salivation worthy


Everyone needs to take a second and spare a thought for poor McEvoy and his inability to get past a player so small his nickname is foetus to make a ruck contest, the umpires sure did.

Big thanks to the crowd for the boos, and Vickery, lol, Vickery.


Dud or spud? Kicked 3 points, including a real momentum killer late, that should have been a gimme.

Disagree on Gleeson. he was solid.


Lid on. Didn’t beat much.

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It’s all Martin’s. He doesn’t have bkokes taking votes from him, our blokes do.


Add parish to your list

Just to watch our boys build and find their touch in that second half was glorious. Heppell just ripped that game apart, man I missed him. Jobe kept accumulating and got cleaner and cleaner.

Parish just went up to Zerrett level, the only thing is that Zerrett’s already moved on and up to Mega Boss level.

Gleeson did a lot of right things at right times. Ambrose played a pretty much flawless game.