Neuvo Classicos

As we move into the new year and approach the anniversary of the Darkest Day etc. it is worth reflecting on this excellent post from kevin walsh's moustache from the 'ASADA and so on and so forth etc etc' thread in the Hangar, which accurately sums up how many people still feel and answers the question, 'Why won't this issue die?' 



I don't know what surprises me more; the fact that this is still being discussed, or the fact that many still genuinely believe that we were guilty of nothing more than poor governance, and received sanctions based on no evidence.  


Charter provided evidence that he supplied Dank with enough TB4 to suit a sporting team. He also provided Dank with dosage instructions on how to use it, and those instructions appeared word for word on our consent forms under the heading 'Thymosin peptide.'  


That is enough to say 'we quite possibly, and most probably' did take TB4. But it's not enough to issue infractions. If it was, they'd have been issued already.


So unless Stephen Dank incriminates himself to ASADA (which he wont, why would he?), this issue is dead and buried. There will be no infractions.


Move on.   

I assume you're pulling this info from the AFL charge sheet. I have a number of issues with this:


1. Why is Charter considered a credible witness when he is described elsewhere in the same report as "a convicted drug dealer"? The AFL and ASADA seem prepared to damn Essendon for associating with him while simultaneously using him as their key witness.


2. Nothwithstanding the similarity of the instructions provided by Charters to Dank for administration of thymosin to the instructions on the player consent forms, they do not appear "word for word".  

3. The claim that Essendon players were administered TB4 ignores Jobe Watson's testimony to ASADA that he was injected with Thymomodulin not TB4. From the Chip Le Grande article last month: "[Watson] told ASADA investigators that Dank explained to him that there was "good" thymosin and "bad" thymosin. He said that Dank had injected him with "good" thymosin, which he had understood to be Thymomodulin. In further evidence to ASADA, Watson described the bottle from which Dank had administered his injection. His description is understood to match a bottle of Thymomodulin stored in Dank's fridge at Essendon and photographed by Assistant Coach Dean Wallis".


As to whether the issue is "dead and buried" with no infractions notices to be issued, we simply don't have enough information in the public view to know one way or another. I agree that we aren't completely blameless but in my view there is insufficient evidence to conclude that Essendon players "most probably did take TB4".


Meanwhile I'm still very angry at the AFL's clearly pre-meditated decision to hand down the harshest penalties in the history of the game in an effort to create a perception of being tough on drugs and their subsequent immoral and possibly illegal manipulation of the entire process to reach this goal.   


So no, I won't move on.


Well said! 


Imposing the harshest penalties in Australian sport while 11 other clubs doing the same thing get off scot free, and one of those even gets million dollar handouts, is an absolute disgrace from which many of us will not "move on". 


Hell, I still have not forgiven Richmond for starting the brawl at Windy Hill in the '70s, nor St Kilda for what they did to Terry Cahill and Merv Neagle.











No Cory Bernardi i wont be buying your book.

He is however entitled to his opinion but the liberal media and the liberals in society will want to decry that and call him backwards for not agreeing to what they declare is the moral right these days.
oh sweet baby cheeses....
Yes he's entitled . Never said he wasn't.
Wasn't saying you were, my response was more to an article I read this morning calling him a neandathal.
That's very unfair.
There's no evidence that neanderthals were any more backward than the other humans around at that time, nor that they were deliberately inflammatory, self-promoting cynics either.
There is a bit of fossil evidence to suggest they were inbred cannibals though.  Just sayin...
Guess they were left leaning then?

Based on their supposed brain size and the fact that the world advanced whilst they didnt I would suggest
that they were the world's first conservatives


Erm...based on their Larger brain size?

I'm also pretty sure interbreeding them out of existance is what the right do to the left.


They would except the left are all gay so they can't breed...saves us the effort


Some fun now from the Politics Thread in The News Room. No more comments needed.


Victoria; beautiful one day, Queensland the next.

Just one hour ahead.


A small comment now that beautifully summarizes a whole thread with style, humour and brevity. From the "

Napthine to make Protests Illegal" in The News Room.


Have said for a while that Myers will be our next captain. You don't need to be the best player, or even in the best half-dozen to be captain.

Or even best 22
Just ask Nick Maxwell


l am guilty of not looking into the "#23 David Myers' Left Leg" thread in the Hangar often enough. Had l done so sooner, l would have found this gem quicker. 

Dear Vlad, from all Essendon supporters.....



From the "Demetriou out in February?" thread in the Hangar. A thread that is sure to generate much interest and comment throughout the length and breadth of the football world. While we gleefully await confirmation of this good news, there is this gem that neatly encapsulates the thoughts of many Blitzers.


Maybe it's because I live overseas, but I really don't know what you are all complaining about.


Clash jumpers and names on uniform are good enough for the NY Yankees, LA Lakers, and Manchester United, but not for Essendon???

It reeks of insecurity to think that we need to stick to totally illogical customs to keep the uniqueness of our game. 

Footy is unique because of the skills involved, the highlights, the ground size, the crowds and a whole host of other reasons.


Clash jumpers make total sense for an 18 team competition where clashes are inevitable, and favouring the old teams who cry about tradition is absolute hogwash. Embrace the change and encourage a totally new Essendon jumper. Marketing and sales of Bombers gear can only help the club in its current financial state.


Names on uniforms likewise when there are now 396 players running around each week. Footy is accessible not only in new markets in Australia, but also via the internet around the entire world. It will also help players who get fewer possessions but are doing important things around packs and off the ball.


As a marketing person, I can assure you that letting tradition get in the way of adapting to changing markets is a recipe for disaster.

That is absolute tosh, and if you were a marketing person, you know you should either study the market you are commenting on , or leave the comparisons alone.


You would be better (and more accurate) to compare Australian football to Kabaddi, the sport played in Southern Asia to any of the North American sports or Soccer, the sport with the largest following in the world.

To go on and suggest teams such as the NY Yankees have ANY comparison to Australian sport is ludicrous.

When Matsui was playing for them, the Yankees sold more licensed jerseys in Japan than we sell jumpers for any one team in Australia.

As for Manchester United, we're not them either. We're not Manchester City either.

In fact, if we're going on Mancunian theme, WIgan Athletic is probably a closer fit to any of the Australian teams in terms of domestic and international reach.

But they're hardly and sexy and interesting as Man U, Arsenal or Liverpool who could just about draw 50,000 to a game anywhere in the world.

If Collingwood and Essendon played each other in any other city in the world apart from Melbourne, they wouldn't get 5,000, not counting the supporters from Melbourne who would travel to the game to watch it.

As far as the practical side of things, the names will not be seen by spectators, as they will be too small. They will be seen on TV only when the game has stopped, because the game is faster than any sport except ice hockey. (Who use names on jerseys, and you can never read them)

This is purely a marketing exercise to make sure people buy new jumpers every time a player leaves. And like most AFL initiatives based on short term grabs for cash, the expected million dollar pay day never comes.

Yes, there will be more money in this than not doing it, there will be thousands of dollars.

But there won't be millions of dollars, and is it worth changing the unique aspects of our game to try and replicate something we're better than, simply because they make so much out of it because of the reach of the British Empire in the 1800s, or the American TV culture since the 1960-70s?

Personally, I don't see the benefits (small change) being worth adding unnecessary clutter to the backs of jumpers that already have numbers to identify players, and sponsorship to keep the money coming into the clubs.


So; Jumper sales.

The AFL get 12.5% of the whole sale value of a jumper.

So a jumper that sells for $100 at Rebel is about $50 wholesale.

The AFL makes $6.25. Of that 66% goes to the club whose merchandise is sold.

So each club makes $4.12, and the AFL keeps $2.12

Thousands of jumpers per year get sold, and will be sold anyway.

Names on jumpers means that the Crameri and Gumbleton ones gets put in a cupboard and the people with them buy new ones.

Woop de doo. We're possibly talking about an extra couple of grand a year, and for teams like Melbourne and the Bulldogs, who sell 1.4 & 2 % of the AFL merchandise respectively, it will make virtually no difference at all. 


So please, the AFL is talking ****, and you're just parroting it back to us like it was a genius idea.

The numbers do not add up, because the market is nothing like the examples you've included.


Opposition is growing to the GAFL's latest attempts to dictate change for the sake of change. From the '

<span style="font-size:14px;">AFL to trial names on jumpers from rounds 3-6' thread in the Non Essendon Forum, Mero takes careful aim and goes BANG.&nbsp;</span>



Jake Niall is the most disappointing media contributor during this whole thing for me. I had a lot of time for the guy and really enjoyed listening/reading his thoughts.
Even one of his articles today he suggests that whilst the joint investigation was not ideal he can understand "why the AFL was brought in" and it was "in part" because of ASADA's lack of resources. Clearly we haven't given the AFL enough credit for the generous use of their time and resources, I'm actually a little surprised the AFL didn't offer to help run the NRL investigation also.
He then closes by saying if the investigation has dragged on it is "possible" the resources haven't been adequate.
Really? Really Jake? Is there any other "possible" reason we've been sitting around for the last 12 months? Could it be possible that ASADA have been under enormous pressure looking for the Loch Ness monster because some pretty powerful people went off half-cocked? Is that even a remote possibility?
I guess in the end Jake is just a guy with an opinion and an agenda, I just thought he would be less dictated to by the agenda.

Of course he has an agenda, to sell more papers/get hits for his failing media organisation and not bite the AFL  hand that (spoon, in this case ladle rather than spoon) feeds them info.


I never read much of his stuff, but he lost me entirely, when he wrote his 'cutesy'  letter to Essendon supporters back in July.


Everything he wrote (in a pretend way) that would be our punishment (and we the supporters should be grateful and just except it, condescending prick) was exactly what happened.  


How the fark did he know back in July?   


Agree, Wilson really needs to think about changing the password on her laptop.



As we rapidly close in on the first anniversary of the darkest day in Australian sport, a couple of astute Blitzers remind us, that all is not it seemed. The last line is a killer, from the 'ssshhhh the kids are sleeping' thread in the Hangar. 


Bring in the Code Breakers........THEY'RE PLAYING WITH OUR MINDS!


Guess what........................

05+02+14 = #21 = Dyson Heppell;

There are 12 Letters the name Dyson Heppell; symbolising 12 Months of ASADA;

There are 5 Letters in the acronym 'ASADA'

Hird IS and always will be #5


...........HIRD's a code, the EFC's our way of #standingbyhird without the AFL knowing!!!!!  Screw you Vlad. Screw you.

You just created life!!! That is the best post I've had the pleasure of reading, Thank you sir.


Garnering popular acclaim in the '05.02.2014' thread in The Hangar. Kickett takes aim and goes BANG. Please sir, can we have some more? 



I guess they better make some rules to control membership prices too then. You'd be getting pretty badly burned if your club had been declared a "bargain basement, discount club" yet you had to pay the same sort of membership prices as the clubs that actually generate revenue. About $4.50 for a norf package, complete with dinner at brayshaw's, two free nights accomodation at a Salvos refuge, and a recycled 2005 beanie, sounds about fair.

That's the limited edition Shin Boner Club, what about the budget conscious official Dean Laidley Junk Yard Dog Mob Squad Membership? Surely they'd throw in some Palmolive Gold, and Colgate merchandise as a sweetener.


:lol:  Can't you just see Scott at home frantically knitting member scarves for the $12 high roller package. There'd be a fair bit of whingeing while he knitted those 4 scarves I reckon. In fact, "Brad Knits for You", could possibley be a good marketing tool as a Youtube channel.


Some fun from 'The Price Is Right - For Some,' thread in the Hangar, the AFL's latest attempt at equalization, this time through the hip pocket via the turnstiles. 


So, Robbo likes facts.  Here's some facts about the whole supplement saga he might like to cogitate on:

  • No EFC player tested positive to any banned substance in 2012. Or before. Or since.
  • Essendon's 2012 season can only be described as mediocre.  There was certainly nothing "performance enhancing" in the overall team performance over the whole season that would remotely indicate PEDs were taken.
  • No Essendon player has ever confessed to taking a performance enhancing substance. And the includes Jobe Watson.  AOD-964 is not even performance enhancing. Allegedly meant to aid in injury recovery, it was not prohibited by ASADA in 2012 as Robbo's AFL 360 co-compere irrefutably stated & showed.
  • Andrew Demetriou encouraged Essendon to self-report.
  • Gillon McLachlan stated to James Hird words to the effect of "...we know you took PEDs and the ones you took....".  Gillon, nor the AFL, nor ASADA have, until this day, ever substantiated this.
  • When the ACC report was released and the headlines screamed the "darkest day in sport" there was not one active police investigation on the matters contained within that report anywhere in the country. Nor, has there been any since.
  • Brett Clothier altered his evidence to ASADA about a meeting he, an ASADA rep, James Hird and others attended to state that Hird had been warned.  Yet, that was not his recollection at the time of the meeting nor was it the recollection of any of the others present.  Clothier's changed evidence was never put to Hird or tested by ASADA in any way.  This changed evidence appeared on The Age website within hours of being communicated with ASADA.
  • 11 other clubs, beside Essendon, had governance problems surrounding their supplement programs but they have not been subject to anywhere near the same scrutiny as the EFC.  They have been allowed to address their governance issues away from ASADA and the public eye.
See Robbo, these are all facts too.  And stating them doesn't impinge on the confidentiality of the EFC players.
But they don't hold the AFL, or ASADA, in very good light do they?
Much easier to get web site clicks by castigating Essendon, ignoring to print or collate any facts even remotely sympathetic to the EFC or its players. Heaven forbid that the players might be innocent of anything.

The legendary Mick Ellis couldn't of done any better than the above.


Some very good posts have recently shown up in the "ASADA review completed: however still open?' thread in the Hangar. BakerWasAStar is to be commended for his timely and succinct reminder of what constitutes some  of the facts in this case. Comparing this post to the words of Mick Ellis is high praise indeed and is fully warranted. More to come and soon.   







To all you KNOBS that think only about the immediate and not about the long term - suck it up and grow a backbone.


Stop your pathetic whining and stand behind the man - as you so willingly were happy to back in April last year.


This is about integrity and justice and it's a hell of a lot better than about the now.


So stop worrying about this week's game because it's about more than that - it's about our club and our club has been around a lot longer than a few years.

So wanting to actually enjoy footy this year makes me (and others) knobs? You know what the BIG PICTURE is? Winning premierships. That's why we follow and love the club. Even if (big if) somehow Demetriou, Gill, Clothier and whoever else go down big time where does that get us? Does it get us any closer to a premiership? Almost certainly not because it sucks the energy from the club and most importantly the players.


In the 1970s and 80s Richmond got sucked into a poaching war with Collingwood. They weren't going to be bullied so they put their time and energy fighting the bully. They've played finals twice in 34 years since then.


I'd rather our time and energy went into premierships, not petty revenge tactics. If that makes me a ■■■■ then I wear the badge proudly.


So winning premierships is why you follow the club?


Why don't you head off and follow GWS and the Suns for a while?


i'm sure the instantaneous euphoria of a premiership or two will take away all the pain from a 150 years of history.


No. I follow the club because my father follows Essendon and he told me (at the age of 5 - only half jokingly) I'd have to move out if I chose anyone else  :P


Doesn't change the fact that given the choice between Demetriou going down and winning a premiership I'd take premiership every damn time, and I don't understand the mentality of anyone who would chose the former.


I don't understand the mentality of anyone thinking that it has to be a choice.  Maybe I'm reading your sentinment & that of Diggers wrong but it appears to me that you are suggesting Hird should simply accept injustice because fighting it might effect your enjoyment of the footy.  FFS thats the most self centred BS I've ever read here.


Oh & BTW you do realise Richmond won the flag in 1980 & were runner up in 1982.  Its a stretch to suggest that fighting with Collingwood was the cause of their downfall. 


No, not what I'm saying at all. If Hird wanted to fight, he should have done that last August. Not now, when we are about to start a new season and supposedly moving on. I was prepared to back the club and Hird all throughout last year. I was prepared to back them when they threatened supreme court action. But the second the club and Hird backed down agreed to a deal last August it was time to accept it and move on. The whole point of taking that deal was so that it wouldn't be a distraction this year. No more fighting.


Fighting a PR war with the AFL now gets us nowhere. The war has been fought, and we lost. The money and the draft picks are gone. I want all of our energy to go into winning games of football. In my opinion this fight and winning premierships are mutually exclusive, because this fight is a distraction. It's a distraction to the club, the coaches and the players.


No I am not suggesting that "Hird should simply accept injustice" (your words). I am saying if he was going to fight injustice the time would have been last August. Or September. Or December. Or even last week. Not the day he flies out to France. Not the day before our first game of 2014. Not the day before the players thought they really might get to move on.


Again, you want Hird & justice to work in your timetable for your benefit & then presume to speak for whats best for the club & players.  Last August the AFL were threatening to deregister the club.  Nobody else, not Kennet, not Bailey not even any journo at that time would even hint support for us, yet you think Hird was somehow capable of finishing this fight then.  What a buch of revisionist tripe.  This fight is not over.  In case you missed it we still haven't had a conclusion from ASADA & we still don't have Hird back as our coach.  Do you really think the AFL are simply moving on, are ASADA, are the media?  I absolutely agree that the club should have fought harder last year but I see it more that the club let Hird down not the other way.  He was forced to accept the harshest penalties in football history & was gagged to prevent him seeking natural justice & fighting.  Should Huricane Carter have moved on?  Should Lindy Chamberlaine & Gerry Conlon have moved on after the 1st of their trials? .  Do you really think Hird as great as he was is capable of simply moving on, is the club capable as long as there is still so much unresolved?  Now IF Hird had been afforded a propper hearing, natural justice & was still found to have been guilty then I would at least understand your sentiment but as it stands this issue, as highlighted tonight is bigger than Hird & the club. 


Here's something else you might want to consider - does Tania Hird control the ABC?  Does she or James decide when stories are aired?  Ever considered the possibility that the ABC timed it when it was so inconvenient for you because it would have greater effect now & exposure for them.  Maybe you think Dean Bailey dying is also an inconvenience as they used him as an example in the story.  Maybe it was all Kennett's fault & he would only do the interview if it was shown the night before our game. 


From the latest ASADA thread, 'Tania Hird confirms Andrew Demetriou tipped off Essendon,' in The Hangar where Tania Hird goes bang and quite a few Blitzers have had plenty to say. Great post JBomber among others. Plenty more to come.

A short post but one full of salient points that are bang on the issue. From the latest thread on the FASADA farce, '

<span style="font-size:14px;">#STANDBYtheHIRDS,' in The Hangar. Fogdog goes bang, welcome back.&nbsp;</span>


Anyone that turns their back on James Hird or suggest he should be sacked are effectively supporting Vlad.
Don't lose sight of the fact Hird was made a scapegoat. He has effectively been punished for wanting the very best for the club and its members and supporters.
Yes there was "issues" at the club in 2012. And we all should be so grateful that James took one for the team, but Hird never injected anyone at the club himself. If that line is good for Vlad, it's good for Hird.
Turn your back on Hird and you're turning your back on the club.


Six months ago much of what many people are writing here, they probably would have been saying the exact opposite.  Exactly what the AFL and the EFC want for everyone to shut up, don't delve or ask questions, move on and get over it.  That's what sheeple do.   Lives have been ruined over this, how do people pick up the pieces when they cannot achieve closure and they are forced into self imposed repression?


There are too many inconsistencies about this whole convoluted mess.  Streams of the media have become the great maximizers of untruths and are equally as thoughtless, cruel, peddlers of gossips and innuendo, almost predatory in nature not unlike a paedophile in search of prey.  With no longer an interest in what is true or for the highest good of all, its more about selling papers without any duty of care whatsoever.  And by the way, if you want to know how the players feel about James Hird and whether or not he gives a toss about them, don't assume ask them.  They sure as hell weren't playing for the President the other night.


"Its all about Hird they say or, its not all about him"  which is it, it can't be both or can it?  Well, whichever way it goes, he's certainly been a very convenient decoy or scapegoat for the AFL and both the AFL and the EFC, were happy for Hird to wear the label.  In fact they gagged him so he couldn't have any input at all.  Paul Little is his keeper and everything is checked with the AFL.  Really!!   Anyone with any nouse ought to be able to see that it has been deliberately made to look to be be all about Hird.  Even Tania's very short interview in a whole program about on bullying and exactly what do people remember?   Its easily done isn't it?  The AFL have become very adapt at deflecting criticism and sending it back like an ever returning boomerang.  They have become a law unto themselves.


How many people were surprised to hear that Paul Little has been working steadily to improve our image with the media and the AFL?  I only became aware when it was reported he had met with Caroline Wilson in an effort to bury the hatchet.  Well that worked a treat she has since written a couple of absolute gems on the Hirds.  This has been going on for over twelve months.  And; James Hird has not said a single word. By the way Tania Hird is no one's puppet and is one very intelligent and switched on lady.  And the misogyny on this site, is no longer covert but it is inappropriate.   


Paul, you absolutely outdid yourself, when Eddie interviewed after Tania's interview was shown.  You did not have to play right into the drama of it all but you chose to and Eddie of course,  was in his element doing what journo's do.  I need to ask you, just whose side are you on?


As a Member and a supporter of this club for more than sixty years, that's longer than many on here have been alive.  I no longer trust you Paul, to be our President, I doubt your sincerity and you've got the same "boys club " feel about you.  There's more to come on this saga its far from over and I hope the matter goes to a "real court" where the premise is still,  innocent until proven guilty.  I hope the EFC do not make any hasty decisions to appease the AFL and others because wrong moves now, could cause a division in this club that would be hard to put a band aid on. 

Another classic post from the same thread. This post says it all, enuff said.
  ASADA Update: Investigation into Essendon Football Club[list]
[] 10/04/2014
[]No Comments
]AFL, ASADA, Aurora Andruska, Essendon Football Club[/list]
There has been a lot of interest, from various stakeholders, on how ASADA‘s  investigation into the Essendon Football Club is coming along.
A lot of that interest has been in the form of the Minister‘s Chief-of-Staff ringing me and yelling ‘what the hell are you guys doing?‘
The good news is the investigation team is making great strides. Here are some of the key achievements from recent months:[list]
[]Huge morning tea for Gary‘s birthday (accounting Gary, not Gary from legal). Everyone attended and it pushed through lunch and into a wonderful afternoon tea. A lot of people had to leave after that unfortunately, to do the childcare/school run
]We‘ve managed to upgrade Lotus Notes on almost everyone‘s computer. This is obviously a huge step forward for the agency.
[]Sharon and Peter finally finished writing that show cause letter to Stephen Dank. Both cut into their lunch several times over the last six months to get it finished. Peter‘s insistence on continuing to use ‘Word Perfect‘ has slowed the process down somewhat.
]Jodie picked up one of those coffee machines from Aldi that everyone is talking about. I can tell you, we‘ve all been enjoying our morning coffees ever since and it‘s so much cheaper than buying one every day.
[]The standoff between finance and operations has ended peacefully, with Barry agreeing to take the slightly smaller office on level two, on the condition he gets Fridays off.
]I retired but need to get around to finding a successor. So far the 70-odd people I‘ve asked have laughed before saying ‘oh, you‘re serious.‘
[*]The investigations team have found a wonderful font to publish our final report in. As Trevor said at after-work-drinks the other day though, ‘Now we need to write the ■■■■■■ thing!‘
Anyway, I hope you‘ve found this update useful and we will be providing a new update in a few months. Give or take.
Warm Regards
Aurora Andruska
Chief Executive Officer ASADA

From the Sorry Saga Thread, (yes it is still going on)a post that reflects the state of the investigation into the darkest day in Australian sporting history, allegedly.

[quote name=“tinhillterror” post=“168762” timestamp=“1397347513”]


It is too easy to poke fun at the Blooos right now, but that doesn’t make it any less enjoyable. From the Fark Caaarlton thread.

[quote name=“wimmera1” post=“168831” timestamp=“1397352720”]

[quote name=“efc1robbo” post=“168823” timestamp=“1397352279”]

 [quote name=“tinhillterror” post=“168761” timestamp=“1397347425”]

Banner from yesterday I presume…[/quote]
Looks like walker is saying to Simpson

“Come on mate grab my hand, you will be ok”
“Thanks, I’m fine.  Just practicing my short steps.”[/quote]
Even more fun from thread that just keeps on delivering. This picture is almost caption time worthy as the above posts indicate.

[quote name=“wannabe” post=“170476” timestamp=“1397432195”]

[quote name=“Ants” post=“170344” timestamp=“1397397967”]

Firstly, there were a certain number of factors that really helped them:[list]
[]The heat helped them
[]They kicked them out of their ■■■ - incredibly accurate
[]The umpires gave them a helping hand
[]Several guys were crook during the week
[]We had a lot of injuries, but especially to taller players which impacted structures
[]They had something to prove after last week
But offsetting those they had a raft of injuries plus Mundy in the 2nd quarter, and we got junk time goals in the 4th quarter when the game was over. They were clearly the better side.
We could have beaten them. We still had the cattle out there to do it. But we played rubbish. Out of our first choice ten midfielders, eight were playing out there. Even with the ruck dominance they only had 8 more clearances than us. Yet they carved us up through the middle in the third quarter. Apart from Heppell early in that quarter, none of our mids gave a whimper. Watson, Zaha, Melksham, Merrett, Hocking (after Mundy went off), Howlett all failed to really impact the game at all. Stanton and Heppell both put in and impacted, but a lot of our fight went out after Gleeson and Stanton trailed off from top first half performances. 
It was mentioned by the commentators during the game, that since they’ve recorded the stat the lowest number of F50 entries Essendon has had in a game was 32. Well congratulations, we beat that and only had 30 F50 entries. They had 45. Some element of that is no CHF, but a bigger element was being pantsed in the midfield and better use of the ball.
What was really disappointing was our forward half disposal. Kicking long to their taller defence with an extra man was just plain dumb. But we had Colyer, Winders, Jetta, Zaha in the side - where the hell was the run? Completely absent. Where was Winders making fast leads and precise delivery? Gone. Where was Hardy using his extra mobility over McPharlin? No idea. Gleeson was about the only guy willing to break lines, and when he went quiet after half time we just looked stagnant. And why oh why didn’t we man up their spare man back there?
Obviously, the forwards were always going to struggle. We did actually had 15 shots from 30 inside fifties, but I suspect our conversion was flattered by those 6 shots in the last quarter when the sting had gone out of the game. Our half forward line outside the F50 was completely trounced. The fact we had several extra runners to their talls didn’t have any impact at any point in the game. 
I could have taken this loss better if their tall forwards had got a few more than our makeshift forwardline, with our midfield edging there’s. But to be beaten in the midfield, to show no run and carry, was very poor. To have our lowest number of F50 entries ever with the bulk of our first choice midfield in was ■■■■■■ pathetic. 
On the depth players
On the 5 depth guys playing today. DVU, Ashby, Colyer, Jetta, Gleeson. Gleeson was obviously fantastic - looks very very good. The others were all pretty poor. It really exposed our depth in this game. Personally thought Colyer and Jetta pretty much signed their name on being delisted at year end. They are both mature, have the engine and ability to run, and we really needed that. Jetta did a few nice things but too few, Colyer couldn’t make a good decision/disposal to save his life, and neither provided any consistent run in the middle. We just got a plethora of outside runners in the last two drafts, these guys are now surplus. Would have preferred Zerrett out there today.
Ashby and DVU showed some signs, but at this time are not up to it.  Ashby picked up a lot of the ball but was just unerring unclean with it. Too often his disposal was either to a neutral, or put the next player under too much pressure. Or out of bounds. DVU had a shocker. I think at least two of the third quarter goals came directly from his turn overs, and most of the day his disposal was just not up to it. As I said, there were elements to like and I have a feeling Ashby could be a real keeper, but the gap between them and our first choice guys is pretty large at the moment.
Our depth isn’t too bad if it didn’t have to cover 7-8 higher rated players. It got tested today, and didn’t really perform.
One thing that was revealed - we need a backup inside mid to support Myers, Goddard and Watson. Melksham is still hot and cold, Heppell more outside, and I’m not sure what Zaha is. Hopefully it is Kav or Hams, but if not we need to focus on this alongside talls at the next draft.
On selection “games”
To be fair on the coaches - when was the last time two guys pulled got injured on the day of? If either Myers or Goddard had been fit, we wouldn’t be having this discussion.
On the list structure
I think people are going on a bit too much about this. As to guys who are tall we were missing Belly, Ryder, Fletch, Pears, Ambrose and Goddard to injury. It’s hard to cover that. Normally we could play a host of tall-medium players as cover with Ambrose and Goddard through the F50. We could normally play one of Fletcher or Pears on a KP forward and shift Hurley forward. We couldn’t though due to injuries. 
Making it harder is the bad decision not to play one of Thurlow or Steinberg this week. Either could have been promoted (if only for one week) and would have allowed either Hurley to play forward or for both Carlisle and JD to do so.
Although the list does need another tall, if we had one they’d have been pretty young. It’s hard to cover 6 taller players being injured for any side. But we should have played one of Steinberg or Thurlow.
One last thing to remember - the 2014 draft is meant to be quite strong for talls. Over mids in fact. So it may be a good year to be picking one or two up.[/quote]
Great post, I agree with everything.
Except Steinberg isn’t really a ‘tall’ is he? Listed as 191cm & 86kg?[/quote]

A good in depth post with plenty of analysis from the ‘Match Review vs Fremantle - Lucky we have saints next,’ thread in The Hangar.

[quote name=“sj_2150” post=“173384” timestamp=“1397787078”]


Some fun from the Fark Caaarlton thread.

[quote name=“fogdog” post=“173374” timestamp=“1397785967”]

Essendon listens!

I was privileged enough to be born an Essendon supporter. I am 34 years old and outside of my family and friends, Essendon is my number one love and the thing I am most passionate about. But in all of my years being an Essendon member and supporter, it has never felt so good as it does now.

We as supporters and members have been asking for years for several things and over the last 12 - 18 months the club has evolved. Not only has it become more professional, it has become family friendly and extremely inclusive.

Some of the things we have asked for include:

  • Open training sessions (not only are they open, we are being invited to attend)

  • Regular and up to date injury reports (Doc Reid’s weekly injury updates and the Hangar’s coverage of Bellchambers’ and Browne’s injury progress has been insightful)

  • Making Etihad feel more homely (the recent addition of the premiership flags was awesome and the interaction of supporter and air raid siren is exceptional)

  • Better VFL coverage (the Essendon VFL twitter account and articles on EFC web are a major improvement)

  • Regular updates on developing players (Gleeson, Ambrose, Zerrett and Ashby have all stunned us with the rapid development but it’s been the stories on the hangar about players like Rayner that are impacting)

  • Interstate functions (apparently the WA function with TBell last week was fantastic)

And in addition to all of the above I know behind the scenes the club is looking at other things like membership perks, seating arrangements, podcasts etc etc etc.

Personally I think the #DonTheSash campaign sums up everything the club is getting right. It highlights what it means to be a Don. The ad on TV is inspiring and gives goosebumps. Again, it shows they are correct when they say Essendon listens.

Now it’s our turn.

How many of you have heard this year “Essendon supporters are the best supporters”?? I have been hearing it weekly. Whether it’s Tim Watson, Paul Chapman, Dyson Heppell, Brendon Goddard, Jobe Watson, Bomba Thompson or Joe Daniher each time I have heard it, I have been so proud to be a bomber. But I reckon we can do more.

Bomberblitz in the past has proven they can be revolutionary and build momentum when they get behind an idea. Well I want us to get behind another one. And this time it is easy, we can all do it and it won’t cost us a cent.

It may sound a little fabricated and superficial, but if that’s how you feel, don’t do it. Do this if you are proud of your club and want to get behind the #DonTheSash campaign.

Starting this Saturday night, when the players are coming up and out of the race, I invite and encourage all of you at the game to stand proud and just like the photo below, show how proud you are of your club and team by putting your hand on your heart or your fist on your chest or grab a hold of your jumper.

There may be 10 people that do it this week, then a couple of hundred in a few weeks, but let’s keep building it and building it and see how far momentum can get us.

Can you imagine how proud the players would be to see their supporters and members getting behind the campaign they are promoting?

In the meantime I am going to see if the club will get behind two other ideas as well:

  1. Get everyone in the EFC cheersquad to wear an Essendon jumper. Practically make it a prerequisite. Hawthorn’s cheersquad does this and they look incredibly professional and united. If our cheersquad can all Don the Sash then that would send a great message.

  2. It would be awesome if on match day 20 supporters wearing the Essendon jumper could be plucked out of the crowd to form a guard of honour, ten on each side, for the players to run through as they come out of the race before they go through the banner. I reckon it would be awesome if the guard of honour was made up of supporters standing like the players are in the picture below.

Anyway, I know this won’t be for everyone. But please allow those that want to get behind this campaign to do so.


The OP from fogdog in the ‘Don the Sash campaign - over to us now!’ thread in the Hangar. This is a post with a simple message, Essendon is finding ways to fight back and this is one way Bomber Blitz can contribute. This post is placed here for historical reasons.

More fun fromm the Fark Caaarlton thread, an action that l hope is not repeated.

From an acquaintance: I left two Carlton membership cards in the car overnight. Someone broke in and left two more.