NRL 2024

Storm find a way again. They’re so much fun to watch. We should bring Coates in and stick him at full forward.


Was a great game to see.

Not sure my daughter agreed but my son was stoked.


Can we get Ezra Mam to switch codes?
He’d be our most dangerous small forward within 6 months.

Bit of mayhem in the Bulldogs Roosters game.

Bulldogs scored 3 tries in 25 minutes.

Walker and Tedesco both off on HIA. Dominic Young just cleaned up Blake Taaffe and copped a straight red.

So both sides have got their 18th man on, Bulldogs lead 20-0 10 minutes before half time.

Tedesco decided to try to stop a rampaging Kikau with his bonce. Head in the guts.

Back to 26-20. Roosters first 4 tries of the second half.

Went to 13 against 11 after Radley sinbinned with 7 to go, and Roosters still scored again, but went down 30-26

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Storm being screwed by the refs. Again

Sad to see Dale Finucane have to retire on medical grounds today :sweat:

I really liked him during his stint at the Storm. And to boot he seems like a great bloke and he’s a proper good singer too!

After spending near 3 hours on edge of my seat with 93,000+ others I am doing the double header at AAMI Park. Wtf is this pre game stuff

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Storm going to get the Bunnies coach fired.

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He has been under pressure all season and should go pretty soon - Bunnies are absolute garbage!

Kenty :laughing:

Demetriou gonski.

And it sounds like it’s now Wayne Bennett’s job. He is going to be coaching an NRL team while dependant on a zimmer frame and incontinence nappies isn’t he. Good grief.

Agree - they are going back to the well with Grandpa Wayne! Surely there must be someone out there?

I don’t think Bennett is the answer. It’s a safe choice but it’s like bringing Sheedy back

Melbourne were down 6-0 five minutes ago.

3 of the better tries you will see in quicktime and it’s now 6-16.

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Heads up.
Pommie commentator so unbiased commentary and it’s So refreshing.
And also, Storm are treating GC with absolute contempt.

Should have taken them more seriously. Lucky to get the win in the end.

GC were absolute garbage.
Got one try by 10cm and another by a finger.

Still…the Storm choice to not use forwards through the centre was…interesting.