Nuclear power generation

And we know the reasons for that. But outside Soviet era Ukraine, where else does it happen?

Location of Fukushima reactor, as with Chernobyl, productive land for feeding populations lost.
Three Mile Island.
National borders and national regulatory regimes provide zero protection.
No surprise that closely settled European countries are dismantling nuclear power, Belgium the latest to announce phasing out, some within a decade.

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Thread gone nuclear

Ok. There have been no confirmed deaths resulting from the Long Island accident and only 1x death that can be directly contributed to the Fukushima disaster.

There are over 400 nuclear plants currently in operation today. No deaths from the sourcing or transporting of uranium nor deaths from actual production. There might be injury and/or death from the construction or maintenance of facilities but these like in conventional plants would be considered as industrial accidents. According to those who keep tabs, there are around 800,000 deaths annually from coal fired power generation. Further to that, the article below attributes 800 odds deaths in Australia from coal fired generation.

What is the fear surrounding nuclear energy production actually based upon?

The world would be in a better state if it did…

How many deaths from solar and/or wind generation sites?

Asking for a friend.

Apples and oranges to some extent - high risk from nuclear fallout not limited to those living close and working in the plant.

Is your friend allowing for deaths linked to the sourcing of materials for use in in solar and wind generation?

But Big A, it doesn’t happen. Shyte from coal and gas production on the other hand…

What’s the record for thread splitting? First it was mental health/brothels now brexit/nuclear power good/bad.

Chemtrails cause superfluous nipples


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I’d hate to get hit by a giant propeller or burn my ■■■■ on a solar panel.

Nukes has got my vote.

Stop trying to de-rail Digger’s de-rail.


Look at all the people who’ve died from melanomas or sunstroke, or in cyclones, tornadoes etc.


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Two de rails always get things back on track.

I was just trying to break up @diggers and @Henry_s_Angry_Pills from having intellectual sparring sessions in such a civilised, researched manner. It’s making me feel insecure when people seem to know more about the type of stuff I’m supposed to know about. Or at least I did, but because I spend so much time arguing with the idiot fringe it’s pushed the important stuff out.

Oooh look, iced vovos


I’m yet to see how “nuclear is the only option” is civilised or intelligent.

Unless you own shares in mines


No, it’s more your rhetoric is well put. You could be talking about 18th century Yiddish basket weaving for all I know.

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Most people tell me to put it somewhere.

South Australia is a good place for nuclear energy. As is storing its waste.

Also excellent for solar and wind

Let’s stick with solar and wind.

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I would think most places in Australia are good for wind and or solar.

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