Pell and other allegations

The main witness released a statement, it sounded like he was ok with the sentence but is still stressed to shitsville and back about the appeal, and he won’t be happy/comfortable with anything related to the business until that’s done.


Thanks for that, haven’t read that paper yet but that show was interesting. Ridiculous that the sentences are even remotely comparable to Pell’s.

This just proves my point, the tentacles of the Catholic Church is vast.

The Catholic Church has influence in every f*cken legal, democratic and political system.
This church is rotten to its core.

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Yes, couldn’t agree more.

ABS statistics put average Victorian male life expectancy at 81.3 years.

So if the appeal is knocked on the head, does it open up Pell and the church to be sued by the individual or his family?

Heck, that kid from Washington in the MAGA hat is suing CNN for $355M!

i’ve read that there have been a few civil cases lodged against Pell.

Wait until a guard “accidentally” leaves the gate into gen pop unlocked…


Unless he is being screwed with a rusty piece of barbed wire it isn’t hard enough.
Disgusting penalty dished out by our pathetic legal system.

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I wonder how Daytripper and Ant Maguire are coping


Isn’t it possible to sue in civil court at balance of probability even if appeal successful at beyond reasonable doubt?

The ‘swimming pool’ complainants that dropped their case have opened civil suits for as the bar is lower

It’s likely that Pell will be restricted from visiting a number of countries with his conviction - So he’ll probably end up seeing his days out in Australia.

Do we know where he’s likely to be sent to serve his sentence?
I kind of get the feeling he will be sent to some kind of farm where where most prisoners would be either old, white collar or serving the last few months of their sentence and wouldn’t want to risk extending their stay.
Having said that it would to take much for an old guy to slip and fall and break his hip and nobody notice until it was too late.

What about Vatican City?

You’d back it in that Pell has long ago washed his hands of any attributable wealth that could be clawed back in a civil damages claim.
The RCC would have to doing some number crunching behind the scenes, ironically with the chief bean counter now behind bars.

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He will be sent to wherever it is these days they send the worst rock spiders, coppers, screws etc.
And then he will be kept seperate from them.

There is a special prison in Ararat housing sex offenders, quite a few clergy. An Ararat priest conducts services for them. In an interview after Pell’s conviction , he noted that there were a few priests known to him from his childhood. His practice at the services is to ask “Who shall we pray for today?”, saying the response can be “Pray for my wife and kids” or the like. But after the Pell conviction, one of them asked to pray for Pell, arising from his own feelings of despair on being convicted and put into custody.

Tough!!! Pell should have thought about that before he deliberately ruined some kid’s lives who incidentally got a life sentence, not a mere three years and five months to serve.

Probably Langi Kal Kal because he had such good character references which doesn’t even have fences or didn’t when I last worked there. May have to wear an ankle bracelet. so they can keep track of him. Just like being at church, except a different uniform but will be fed and watered and have similar company. Prisoners often just walk out of there and walk into town or hitch hike.
Very security minded - not.

I would imagine they would be concerned about someone making a name for themselves by doing Georgie harm. I’m sure the Church would quietly ensure the Government looks after him properly and that means also protecting him from harm.