Pell and other allegations

The Vatican does not have one with any country.

I see people have not learned anything from the saga.

There is a presumption of innocence and everything I’ve read so far suggests the ‘evidence’ is very, very flimsy.

Seems to be a real ‘Hird’ mentality in getting him.

Prediction: He will either die before it gets to full trial or he will be completely exonerated.

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Because he protected child rapists.

Maybe you haven’t read all the evidence against him.

Some evidence I know that hasn’t been used against him is extremely damning, and the witness, who I personally know, has been in mental anguish for some years now. This probably will never see the light of day as this person has trouble finding the courage to speak up.

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It’s a great shame that Anthony Foster passed away just recently and didn’t get to live long enough to see this day, after the dealings that he and his wife Chrissie had to endure, directly, at the hands of Pell and the Catholic Church with the abuses perpetrated against two of his three daughters.

Anthony and Chrissie fought a long hard battle against the Church for most of their lives to expose the abuse and corruption within it.

If you are unsure of what I’m on about, I suggest you hunt down the book Heaven on the Way to Hell by Chrissie Foster. It really is a harrowing read and reveals much about the character, or lack of, of Cardinal Pell and their fight for recognition and compensation from the Church and the disgusting way that their family was treated after their two eldest daughters were abused by a paedophile priest at Sacred Heart Catholic School in Oakleigh during the eighties and nineties.

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Well, … he’s required to appear on the 18th, and he “says” he will return to Oz to defend the charges as soon as possible.

For whatever that’s worth.

Exactly, why are we even bothering with a trial, you just have to read the Sun and the Age to know he’s guilty.
We should go straight to sentancing, should be a poll

Really - well it’s all anonymous here. Let us hear some of this evidence.

FFS: some of the complaints against him are trivial at best and others are clearly incorrect. One of them involved him not even being in the same state at the time.

There are a lot of disturbed people out there who will claim anything. Remember our good friend ‘Sarah’. That was clearly crap but people believed her because they wanted to believe her. Good old confirmation bias in action again.


None of that has anything to do with what he has been charged with.

Look he might not be the greatest bloke in the world but 1+1 does not equal 3.

Catholics seem to be the new Jews for the socialists.

All the catholic priests getting arrested for paedophilia are a conspiracy against the Catholics by the ungrateful youth.

If I detailed what I know this site would be in trouble, and I’m not being a rabble-rouser. (Some may note I don’t shit post nor do I start rumours).

Yep, we’ll do a twitter poll. That should do it.

Are you trying to diverty attention away from the fact that you’re supporting an individual who supported, enabled and ignored sexual abuse of children?

Not every issue can be distilled down to your child-like “left-right” dichotomy.


Take it to the DPP then.

I would have thought its obstructing justice to withhold evidence and knowlingly allow an offender to roam the streets.

Read my original post and you’ll see why it hasnt been taken to the police.

There is zero evidence that he did any of the above.
Laughable that you accuse me of being childlike. I’m not falling for the trap of believing in fairy tales.

Except all those times he said he did all of the above.