Political Correctness

What you’re describing is a ‘God Complex’. It’s a trait found more commonly in men.

See what I did there.

God can go ■■■■ herself.

yeah like tax avoidance being illegal.

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Take your internet point and fark off.

I have never, ever had a job where one sex, race etc have been discriminated against and get paid a lower hourly rate or base wage than others. Where the inequities come in is for things like overtime and other perks of which I’m guilty of and I’d imagine plenty of other bosses or managers are aswell. It’s only natural to have favourites and mates who get preferrential treatment

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I wouldn’t say it’s natural and a good boss won’t give extra hours based on the fact they are mates. You would give the overtime to people you knew were competent enough to do the job required.

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Except that ignores the graduate data.

Many of the trolley pushers employed by the big supermarkets are white.

Of course they mostly have a disability (intellectual usually) and are paid peanuts.
Exploitation rules once again.

One to ponder. Why can on white person wash a car in their own driveway, but it takes 12 or so sub-continentals to wash the same car at a car wash? Gotta be a politically incorrect joke there somewhere.

Depends what the job entails, most of our staff are pretty much at the same level of qualification or training. For instance on Saturday morning we have a requirement for a small skeleton staff of usually 6-8 people to operate. The work can take anywhere from 1-4 hours just depending on schedules but we have to be paid a minimum of 4 hours at double time. 3 of the 4 Saturday’s of the month the work can stretch out to just under 4 hours but on the third Saturday of the month the work can be bowled over in as little as an hour. As the person who does the roster I always ensure that myself and a couple of mates get the third Saturday and also make sure I’m not rostered on over long weekends.
I do look after my “better” staff with cushier jobs at times aswell.

Which the evidence strongly supports. So my position is based on facts. Yours is based on the idea that because a person could average a promotion a year, missing three years is justifiably devestating to a career. Does this person with a promotion every year top out, or do they become god at age 65?

Given this whole discussion is effectively about the problems with managers and employers, and you’ve been arguing there is no problem, this is pretty ironic.

I think that’s a little harsh.
The job pays peanuts.
I think we actively employ people who would not get a job elsewhere (outside a factory, I guess, maybe) as cleaners. And other roles which I won’t go into because I don’t want to seem mean.
I think that’s a good thing.
Frustrating at times, but still a good thing.


That’s what mates are for.

"A mate home on the couch with his Missus is Safe, … but that’s not what mates are meant for, … "

The discussion is about a gender pay gap and I’m not saying there isn’t a gap, I’m saying that there is more to it that just the gender and the average wage.

Sounds like a threesome to me.

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Are we seriously on the men and women are just different thing? Such total bullshit, yes different but not better/worse at most roles. This right here is a large reason for the wage gap.

Also why are traditional female roles lower paid?

I don’t care about all this bullshit anecdata from largely white men who will never live this. There is a wage gap, there is multiple systemic, societal and historical reasons for it. The answer is not “paying women more” it’s addressing the reasons and biases behind it. This is what women want, not just more money.


FFS, will you get back in the farking kitchen!


Barefoot & Pregnant??

resists the temptation to say something even childisher