
Sell out, maybe. I prefer to use the terminology burnt out. Please don’t liken the generational disadvantage of indigenous people to generational welfare dependency though. That’s just flat out ignorant. Indigenous disadvantage is ingrained by hundreds of years of percicution. Last time I checked most welfare lifers simply have only had a generation of poor role models to show them how to get by on ■■■■ all and how to not aspire to much else, oh and how to rort ngo’s of food vouchers and keep calander references to when they are able to go back for more handouts, and a good list of excuses as to why they didn’t turn up to the tafe course we pay for to get them one skill that may lead to the job we found for them, that they also don’t turn up for the interview for because baby daddy six got caught driving without a license again. But they do have a decent right hook I found out when I told them I didn’t have enough money in the coffers to get son 4 the Xbox they promised them for his birthday right before he got taken by child safety because Shaza hadn’t taken him to school for 3 months.

It’s interesting you talk about values as well.

If only people remembered the rvalue of reward hard work.

As much as I can tell, labor now is all about the value of if your born here, your set.

■■■■ off

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both should be fine.

A lot will still have the remnants of the LHA accounts still lingering for the old and newer systems should be able to track from July 1 fairly easily.

You are in the wrong job. What the fark has happened to you; you seem so bitter and just ■■■■■■ off; get a new job before you die.

And seriously, what is this, because I am black and my grandparents and those before were shot and robbed of their land, so I can be a scum-bag if I want. People of all colors, religions, etc rort the system, and most do it because they have no hope, and you know that. Makes me laugh, as I can show you indigenous groups that have millions of dollars from mining rights and they just ■■■■ it up against a wall, and you would probably say that it is because they were stolen as babies and have no sense of self and just do not know what to do with all the money and spare time they have. And you know that lack of jobs for indigenous and non-indigenous in all areas is a big issue, and bringing in 457 is the bosses way of sorting their problem, not anyone elses.

I know many “shazzas”, we have are fair share in our Town, and they do act as you say, but I do not hold them in contempt, but try to help get programs together that make their lives work, and if not for them for their kids. Everyone is worthwhile, even Greens,.

Actually, I quit a few weeks ago, I’ve had enough and was headed towards a breakdown legit, getting physically assaulted over not having any sweets in a food parcel was the last straw.

What happened to me was heading into job with the idea my efforts where going to be a bridge to better outcomes for needy people to the realisation that I was getting underpaid to be a supply line to people who have little interest in contributing anything meaningful to the world other than crime and violence and young lives they have little interest in supporting or nurturing.

See as many neglected, physically and sexually abused and children as I have in 2 years and you would be bitter too Bacchus.

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Yep it would just increase house prices, like the first home buyer grant did. bumped up all house prices by $7,000

Best thing about that policy is that it will hardly get used - the anti-Robin Hood inter-generational wealth shift continues unabated.

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Sounds like you do need that scout trip to the Tiwi with Sheeds.
Chin up Benfti, you have done great work. That line of work is an emotional rollercoaster.
My wife has done community nursing in the “less off areas”
Its just sad hearing stories of Intergenerational welfare dependence, violence and lack of self respect, seems to be lots of people just slumped in front of the tv all day.

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But most older systems handle multiple accounts as a hangover from DB funds and vesting provisions.

R2 didn’t, of course, but as far as I know, that has been consigned to the dustbins of history, or are they still hanging on to handle those ridiculous insurance provisions?

I feel for you mate. Don’t let it determine who your are.

Come back to Melbourne, and let Koala and I pamper you. I am sure she is up for it. How is the Wifes job going ?


Well enough that would be a tough sell, lol

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Rupert is not happy.

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does anyone win from the budget?

‘Small’ business.

Liberal polling numbers, … which will equate to less pressure on Boneless & Scu Mo.

Another populist document next year, with more subtle decline in Health & Education funding, then a pre election super softy to get re elected with a nice majority, then, they will bring the pain in the 1st post election one, and further down the road to the full Americanisation of Oz we will go.

Fk the greens for giving these prix the chance to re gather & stay in office.

Nah. That argument has been disproven over and over.

Fk Labor for not being a convincing alternative government.


Sorry mate, that’s rubbish. The Greens gave us Tony Abbott, and NO Carbon trading scheme ultimately. And then gave the Lib’s a lifeline to slip the noose, when they were destined for defeat with the polling worsening for them with every day that passed. While their ideals are worthy, they are politically stupid.

I am so pisst at them for letting their own political ambitions get in the way of whats best for the country. Just how long are they prepared to assist the Libs to stay in power in order to knock off seats from Labor and try to become more powerful themselves??

With every year they are in office, the more the wealth disparity continues to grow. We’ll have people on food stamps before they get what they want. Arseholes they are.


Labor were well ahead, … it was Shorten that was unfortunately not popular.

Sometimes ding, Labor just reminds me of the VFL/AFL.

Back in the day, Labor openly cared for the worker, family man and everything that makes our country a good place to live, like the VFL before it became the money grubbing bunch of corporate wankers they are now in the AFL.

We could go to the footy for reasonable cost, watch an exciting tough game without hordes of maggots to ruin the result.

I still hold out hope for Labor, but not as optimistic for Australian Rules

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Yeah it was buried. I left that shithole a while back. Plenty of other legacy systems around the industry unfortunately.

Of course you realise that Labor & it’s principles has/have been undermined by the need to play ball with big business etc, and in the case of K Rudd, actually sell your soul to the Devil (Murdoch)* to get elected in this country now & over the past 2 decades right?

.* This was evidenced by the fact that Rudd did not change back media ownership law changes instituted by Howard, … which incidentally, & frighteningly, is about to happen again under another Lib Gov, to vest even more power to the b@stard, and hence of course, almost assure they remain in power.

Labor has been playing ball with the corporate world since 1983 when Hawkey’s best mate Peter Abeles and Uncle Rupert mentored him. The Wages Accord were the end of Unions for many years.

But the fight back has commenced and Ged Kearney and Sally Macmanus will make a big difference.