
Stockyard Hill Wind Farm is a project set to deliver 530MW. That’s $110m private.

As for storage, Energy Networks Australia, which own the grid studied how much of Australia’s generation can survive without storage. Looks like we can go close to 50% before requiring serious storage solutions like pumped hydro.

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“But it’s so cheap and abundant!” Says some idiot shouting into the wind and getting sunburnt.

God bless your cotton socks HMG, … you still think reality matters to this bloke …


Luckily for you it appears that it’s still possible to type while your head is in the sand!

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Only in Green Left land is a solution that costs 100 million but only contributes 2% of requirements considered cheaper than a solution that costs 500 million but contributes 80%.

It’s like they look at some numbers, see which one is less and hey presto - that’s the cheaper one.

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Because the first solution is you spend the $100 million once.

The $500 mill solution is $500 mill every year, so ten years later your talking >$5 Billion and you still only have an old crappy and unreliable coal plant.

And pray tell what would the income be - or are you saying it’s a flat 500m out per year with nothing coming in.

Wow, you really failed maths or just don’t understand basic logic. The 500m is a once off maintenance (well no maintenance is once off but everything needs to be maintained). Do you actually have any idea of the capacity of the $100m option in any case? Do you understand that sadly it also requires storage and shockingly only outputs less than 5% of its capacity on average?
I’d suggest you do some more research and go live in SA!

the same income the renewables generate without the ongoing costs

As people keep reminding me, including the person who works in AEMO “Stop arguing with idiots on social media. We laugh at the political partisanship stuff.”.

Like you have any freaking clue.

SA! SA! Maybe you go live in Queensland and tell us all about how renewable energy is hurting your bills.

Yes best to communicate with people that say what you want to hear. A common trait amongst warmists.

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It’s the market operator. You’ve just proved you have no clue what you’re talking about. Nice work. Also, this guy isn’t interested in climate change. Only market prices. Isn’t that what you’re interested in?

Sadly I know exactly what I’m talking about. It’s just not what you want to hear.

More proof that ignorance is a prerequisite for arrogance.

Left abuse with no substance. What a surprise.

How are you going with substantiating your empty thought bubble on climate change denial?
What was it again? Ah yes - CC occurs naturally, therefore cannot be impacted by human activity…some substantial logic there.

“I know exactly what I’m talking about.”
“Left abuse”.

Yeah, no worries.

People inside the energy industry know this is bullshit. This cobbled together energy security group recommended a RET. just like the Finkle report did. It’s the same all over the western world. A target puts downward pressure on price. Our esteemed leaders have decided to go with no RET and instead have a target on coal power

We. Are. Dunces.