
She’s as big a twit as that Prue…can’t think of her surname, doesn’t matter, could be any Prue, really, just from the other end of the spectrum.
Should I inform myself on this subject before speaking?
Nah, why break the habit of a lifetime?

But if she lost her job because her views didn’t mesh with society or that of her employer, then Prue (any Prue) might be a good counterpoint.
Pretty sure she still has a job.
It would be cynical and a little disturbing to think that’s because Prue’s views do align with employer and society…

Anyway, I just woke up.
Screw everyone’s opinion, amirite?

Alan Jones kept his job after suggesting that the Prime Minister be put in a chaff bag and thrown out to sea, this after he incited violence in the Cronulla riots.

Well, quite.
This silly person (just caught myself there, wouldn’t want to be ist) is a social commentator.
And a good one, in that she annoys people that want to be annoyed and gets people talking.
Some people anyway.

I’m sure this is an excellent career move for her and she’ll be back on speaking tours before you can say Germaine Greer.

You’re probably right unfortunately although why I will never understand why people would want to pay to hear her speak.
She can barely string a sentence together and you would get more deeper analysis from a pack of 13 year old girls at a Brittany Spears concert.

Any of them, really.
Bolt, Jones, Rita, wow…who was that truly objectionable woman at the Daily Tele?
lol…just remembered ‘Piers “I’m not addicted to cocaine” Akerman.’

Twits, the lot of them.

The daily tele woman would be Miranda Devine.

Traditionally one would thank you…

I was going to say, you probably don’t want to know due to the images and emotions it would bring up.

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Not only a writer - he is an artist, too.

A bullshit artist.

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I see the banks are doung well at the royal commission.


The government should feel vindicated in their efforts to fight having the RC. Nothing to see.


Surprised this hasn’t rated a mention here yet. The revelations of sheer bastardry that have been exposed already, … and it’s only just begun!!

Satan hisself has got nothing on these prikks.

They should burn them all at the stake.

Joyce has actually come out and apologised, saying he was clearly wrong to oppose it, … of course, I’m not sure he would have if he was still Dep PM.

Pressure is now on Boneless and the other top Squiberals to do the same.

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Turnbull and Morrison are already taking credit for fearlessly calling the royal commission. The sheer barefaced blatant rewriting of history is staggering. Somewhere, the fuckknuckles who deny the holocaust happened are going ‘wow’ and taking notes.


What exactly has the RC achieved? Lets look over things that have already been disclosed/investigated and make people look silly (Especally ASIC).

At the end of the day, this could have been achieved by giving ASIC a good kick up the ■■■■ and telling them to actually do their jobs rather than worrying about costs should a prosecution fail (Which seems to be a big worry of Gov. departments everywhere).

On another note how hard is it to decide to build a plant to recycle all our waste that China won’t take any more??? New Industry, jobs…etc etc


You are an absolute plonker. I quite realise you are only here for the fun of trolling and yes, I am biting, but it is fun to return the abuse you hurl at people that do not frequent this place. By your comment, it is apparent that you have not read any Flanagan . So that makes you a liar as well! I suppose I could have been a little less verbose and whittled my comment down to three words: Get ■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■.

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I have tried to read his work but no success, I’m afraid.
I’d be stunned if you ever made it through any of his books as patience does not appear to be one of your strong points.

As for abuse - well, you are the master of it as exemplified by your post.

I have no problems with anyone saying Australia has issues on race.
It does.
Always has, and as long as we continue to take in a bloc of refugees every generation, likely always will.
What I do object to, is people calling Australia racist.
Because it always seems to be missing a pretty important component, which is as compared to what?

(I do find it amusing that people who subscribe to ‘Australia is racist’ obviously exclude themselves from that generalisation. Yes, clearly they don’t mean you, dear. rolls eyes)

The thing that irks me about ‘Australia is racist’ is that it suggests that’s…the ground state.
It’s what we’re happy with.
We’ve done nothing to address it, ever. Why would we? We’re racist. Any positive change that happens is because we’re shamed by international pressure.
As opposed to the constant work to fight it that has actually been happening for the last…at least forty years.

■■■■ off.

Sure, tell me how racist Australia is compared to the UK, or Japan, or India, or China, or the US, (where African Americans equating themselves with indigenous Australians is soooooo enlightened), or any Middle Eastern state (yes, including that one).

We have issues.
We’re working on them.
‘Australia is racist’ helps precisely no-one, other than to make some friggin’ morons feel good about themselves


Could be a problem, not of their making, of the limits of funding of the likes of ASIC and ACCC. ACCC operations have a high component of self funding imposed on them. Look to the weakness of the legislation.
What the RC has exposed is that financial institutions hand out rewards for fleecing the customers and regard it as an income stream in addition to making money out of deposits, plus government guarantees to the big four after the GFC.
As yet, nothing about the credit unions.

I’m pretty sure our cunning plan is to slowly replace the Great Barrier Reef with all the brightly coloured plastic we can no longer ship to China. We could get a ‘work for the dole’ scheme going where jobless folks whittle plastic bottles, etc into coral-shaped trinkets that we then dump all along Queensland’s coast. The Reef is dying because of all the pollution and plastic anyway, so why not kill two birds with one stone?