Mate, you obviously should look after yourself, but just know that I love your honest and quality content and look forward to it every week, I appreciate all that you do as pseudo conduit between the club and us fans.
Keep up the brilliant work CJohns, you’re a valued part of my weekly routine come the colder months!
One fun memory of Strings early wobbles with accuracy last year was the teams approach to clear out of the square and most of the forward line when he was taking a set shot, was pretty funny to watch, he kicked better but no evidence of causation
I think fans and listeners could pick that up, and really it was pretty hard to week after week talk about a disappointing back half of the year with poor performances mounting up.
Someone said in a comment it’s blitz and these podcasts that keep an attachment to the club.
It’s a bit sad that’s the case, and that sounds like a back handed compliment but it really is true! So glad you’re back for 2025.
I knew I was forgetting someone from the backline. I’ll be happy to get along and see tsatas in the guts for 4qtrs, form my own opinion on Shiel at half back, see how much progress Bryan and draper have made and get a glimpse of Kako.
Oh and I just saw that Gresh is playing for the Indigenous All Stars game which is on the same day, maybe Unwin does get a run after all. Kako-Caddy-Unwin would be pretty fun to see.
If Dods has taken all the blame for ongoing poor lists, he can certainly take all the blame for stoopid contracts. They go hand in hand.
His personal tenure though, sits right at the top of poor decision making by the EFC
What happens to those players at Essington is a weird mix of career and development stalling injuries and the players reaching a level and becoming comfortable in the AFL lifestyle. It has happened for decades.
We need to blood all of the untried players and recruits this year and have a look to see who has any potential.
I am concerned that we have a forward line that won’t be able to kick more than 7 to 8 goals a game which means we end up in the bottom 2 or 3. Good for the draft though I guess.