Quidditch goes from the page to the sporting field

What the…? Crazy ■■■■■■ Potter fans. Why would you run around with a broom stick between your legs asking for a nasty injury??

And there is a world cup coming up??

Quidditch goes from the page to the sporting field


If you’re a Harry Potter fan you will be familiar with the wizard game of quidditch but did you know its real life counterpart is popular on university campuses around the world.


No accounting for the extent of the stupid sometimes.

… but then you’re on Blitz, … you already know that.

Bring on blitz is in and of itself stupid. Please people will do stuff they enjoy. Such as bring emotionally invested in a sports team. Or running around playing quidditch. At least they aren’t doing drugs and belting people

Oh good, the sport I play is now the second most stupid

Hobby Horse Polo??

The moment I wrote it, I wondered,… & just knew it would be an actual thing,… … ■■■■■■ hell. …

My sport of choice may be niche, but at least it has been around for tens of thousands of years…

Know a few participants…hardcore exercise!

My sport of choice may be niche, but at least it has been around for tens of thousands of years...
And if it ever goes out of fashion it will keep coming back........


My sport of choice may be niche, but at least it has been around for tens of thousands of years...

It’d only be a sport if you weren’t that good at it … wouldn’t it?

My sport of choice may be niche, but at least it has been around for tens of thousands of years...
It'd only be a sport if you weren't that good at it .. wouldn't it?

Only if hermione is there.

Hah! I went to Faulkner park last week with my mates and thought we would be kooks skateboarding. I was so wrong, in fact IMO felt we were the least kooky,

  1. Quiditch tournament
  2. Zorb ball hockey or something
  3. Some kind of nerds doing a swordfight simulation in pissweak slomotion wearing period Game of Thrones style clothing while bemused rough sleeping winos looked on
  4. 50 year old blokes and girls racing slalom on skateboards
What the...? Crazy ■■■■■■ Potter fans. Why would you run around with a broom stick between your legs asking for a nasty injury??

And there is a world cup coming up??

Quidditch goes from the page to the sporting field


If you’re a Harry Potter fan you will be familiar with the wizard game of quidditch but did you know its real life counterpart is popular on university campuses around the world.

Hackeysack must be ■■■■■■■■ itself then

My sport of choice may be niche, but at least it has been around for tens of thousands of years...
It'd only be a sport if you weren't that good at it .. wouldn't it?

Well if you’re real good you don’t move … right? :wink:

My back objects to the assumption the throw itself doesn’t count…

Know a few participants..hardcore exercise!

Harry Potter isn’t real.

Know a few participants..hardcore exercise!

Harry Potter isn’t real.

Say that to the desk-let of fire.