Season 2025 - GWS

Gonna enjoy Jakey slot plenty of ridiculous goals for GWS. Think he will have two decent seasons for them. Maybe taper off towards the end of year 2.


That is very slick work, just the sort of effort we have come to know and appreciate from Gws.

Caruso is going to realise not getting big midfield depth will cost them a potential flag, just like not adding any mature depth last year which made them go backwards. He’s a poor recruiter, you’ve gotta add mature talent when the window is open.

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They needed Stringer last night

Genuinely think they don’t care about preseason at all. It’s a luxury

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clonehirdy in SHAMBLES

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Imagine thinking that keeping him was a good idea

But, but, but…42 goals


we only got Pick 53


But he would’ve helped us scrape into 8th and get rinsed in an away elimination final.:man_shrugging:

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hahah crickets in here from the Stringer advocates

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Same rollercoaster sh¡t with that bloke. What a relief that it’s not our concern anymore.

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Tullamarine turf can have a delayed effect.


I miss Jake.

Jake Hamstringer


Borderline flying…. to Qatar.

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It’s typical Stringer - fittest ever during preseason, then get injured miss start to year, drop fitness and come back rusty.

I’m going to enjoy watching stringer this year if he gets on the park. Will no doubt be entertaining when he plays us. Let’s hope he stinks it up.

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Probably not a leap to suggest that when Jake pushes himself into top condition that his softies go ping. We’ve seen the same thing happen before.