Totally under-rated movie.
Especially the Uber-capitalist dystopianism, Matt Damon working on a robot production line and then Matt Damon punching said robots
Its now the grip and explode moment
39 years ago today, US date 28th Jan 1986, was the challenger disaster. Also Apollo 1 was on the 27th Jan 1967.
Spaceflight is dangerous. Especially when engineers are not listened to which caused both disasters.
Interesting images from mars. Square is 2km across. No earth analogue at this size.
Like to ASU page.
Shape is right at the bottom of the image.
Good article on getting to the moon and mats.
Someone bump please.
Lay some more weird Mars ■■■■ on me!
Some is weird but mostly informative or possibilities.
Mars cycler
Living on mars.
Starship landing.
Life on mars
A few deer running for their lives with a falcon 9 landing.
Went from 1% chance to 2.3%!
invest in planetary defence lasers now!
It will probably get up to 30-70% over the next 3 months whilst it is still visible and then drop to zero or go to 100%.
It’s what usually happens with comets.
There will not be enough measurements for at least 3 months.
With this one, all telescope observatories have been asked to go back and look at 2020/16/12/08 data to provide orbit data of it.
It’s orbit is every 4 years so getting previous years data with help predict the comets 2028/32/36 intercepts with earths orbit.
It’s equivalent to 150 Nagasaki nuclear bombs.
Apparently, if it does hit in 2032, they can already tell the impact zone would be near the equator from Africa through to India and China.
Either way it will be close.
We had a few meter diameter asteroid pass between the earth and the moon late last year. They figured out the path and predicted it with great precision well in advance.
Hang on a sec, arent there already Jewish space lasers up there we can use?
If it’s on the lower end, we could do a DART mission equivalent. Since the impact with Dimorphis, it has changed orbit by hundreds of kilometers.
A more powerful impact lke a DARR kind of impact or would be able to avoid contact with earth, or to change its orbit to hit in the Indian, Pacific or Atlantic oceans.
I for one am very keen to start shooting stuff at rocks in space
Watch Armageddon as a warm up if you haven’t. Mind you it is one of the worst Sci-Fi movies ever.
Almost as a bad a movie is Deep Impact. Tea Leoni
Lots of vids on YouTube of the DART mission.
Aerosmith, Bruce Willis, training drillers to be astronauts instead of the other way round. Peak.
Deep impact was good for the tsunami waves though
You disgust me.