The "Earning a Living" Thread

There is an old Studs Terkel book - Working -
It is about the dignity of work at all levels, including from the lavatory cleaner upwards.

The Pleasures and Sorrows of work is good


well yeah, but if I wanted “reliable and expert” I wouldn’t be asking here.

The idea was to elicit discussion.of something that is completely glossed over if not ignored by MSM in this country.

There are not too may here who have any idea about China, but given how important hey are to our our economy, and how much more important they will be in future, it is worth discussing.

Even if it is only on BB.

180 degrees different.

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New found perspective this week. One of my closest mates passed away, at work, at the age of 39 in Melbourne. Was back in Australia (after 8 years away) for his funeral this week. Had a lot of time to think on the 34 hrs I spent on the plane back and forth. We all stress about work and silly things that have little permanent impact. Sad it takes losing someone so young to learn that.