The reigning DJ King (Mk VII) is - @Kira with the all time super set of the millenium

Pretty cruisy, a bit like the stuff I listen to at work although I prefer instrumentals. YES

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Didnā€™t like it. But, as a member of the Crazy for KoK Cabal I must vote YES for my leader :slight_smile:

Iā€™m kidding, thereā€™s no Crazy cabal :frowning: I just wanted to write Crazy for KoK, which would be a very good campaign slogan if there was a cabal!



I would really love that as an instrumental



Iā€™ve resisted the urge to play Radiohead since the first thread, but this one of their most beautiful song that I adore.

Iā€™ve tried really, really hard to get into Radiohead. My wife loves them as do my mates. Actually my best mate loves his music. Heā€™s seen a lot of gigs but has never checked off these guys. It was burning him from the inside out when I snagged tickets to their Melb gig and he missed out. I rang him from the pub just before the show and was all ā€œI donā€™t even want to go but Iā€™m just doing it for Mrs. K.ā€ :laughing:

Theyā€™re just not my thang though.

This does have a nice vibe to it though.


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I went to the Melbourne gig too, it was amazing and thanks to @Koala who set me up, theyā€™ve come about once to Australia in 20+ years and I canā€™t see them coming any time soon unless they drop a surprise album.

Theyā€™re honestly a band that I thought were good on first listen but then I gave some repeats and they blew my mind. They inspired me to drop $300+ on headphones just to listen to every subtle sound. Theyā€™re basically the masters of melancholy which feeds my soul.

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I always kinda liked them without it being my thing, it was more people claiming them to be the best thing ever that put me off, which is pretty silly I know.
But I saw them headlining a fest here in Osaka and absolutely loved the show from about ten rows deep, and came to respect them a lot more.
This song gets a yes.

Iā€™ve never been able to figure them out. Apparently they are good according to trusted and respected friends but I just get a meh vibe. NO.

Sorry @Crazy_Bomber, I just listened to this after watching a doco on Deep Purpleā€™s Machine Head album and it kinda makes me realise how much has changed over the years and what we as a music listening generation have lost.



Not sure what that has to do with this song butā€¦ honestly couldnā€™t disagree with that more, outstanding music is being made every single day. Nothing has been lost apart from an open mind.

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Absolutely there is great music being made all the time. The channels of distribution have changed such that the forms that cater to older listeners such as radio tend to play old stuff or commercially safe pop. Small independent radio stations and internet modes like soundcloud and youtube are a great source of new stuff. I find excellent new music all the time; this thread has been a source of inspiration to me and has got me right back into music at a time I thought I had heard it all.


I may have worded that poorly. I agree that there is outstanding music being made every single day, I think I meant more the ā€œauraā€ that surrounded these bands at the time. How many bands playing now will be looked back on in 30-40 years with the same (reverence?) as bands like the Beatles, Zeppelin, Sabbath, Purple etc.? I donā€™t know obviously but it is the feeling I get.

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small yes

One of my favourite bands of relatively recent times.
Tight, passionate, creative, emotive, engaging, well-produced.


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Wow, actual music again.

I donā€™t know about aura but I know going to concerts that you have packed out stadiums going crazy just like in the day.

I wonder how much chillstep, ambient, trance etc were being made back then too? I wonder how many amazing bands from that same era were just as good but never got the backing and were forgotten due to the heavy hitters ruling? I think youā€™re more or less just describing nostalgia for bands that had significantly less competition and held more public attention. I donā€™t rate Purple or Sabbath (who I saw live in Australia) as anything overly amazing in todays standards. Mediums have increased significantly there are more to choose from and more people making music and a million more ways to access music no one dreamed of back in the day. Back in the day you had radio, limited TV and had to purchase music CDā€™s from a store and record companies ruled with an iron fist, and told you what to love. Now you have limitless forms bringing thousands of new artists in the front giving a more diverse range. Youtube, Soudcloud, spotify etc etc means anyone can listen to anything at a drop of the hat and record companies are dead or if not about to cark it.

The truth is, Beatles aside those bands you mentioned would have just been sitting in a pile of good bands along with the rest of them if they were made today. Thereā€™s just so many metal bands for example that pump out amazing tunes that never get any recognition whatsoever that probably wished they lived in an era that wasnā€™t so polluted.


I knew my set would draw you out @Diggers. Like the bum you are.

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