The reigning DJ King (Mk VIII) is @somebody else

Well in that case - “what he said”.

My preferred DJ pronoun is QoQ (Queen of Queens) :slight_smile:


Great work Kira. Yes.

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KoK Queen, Queen of Koks

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hell yeah

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Of course, yes.

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Hells yes!

This is like a phd, the title of professor would go well.

PoK, ProK, DoK, DroK

Edit - PRofessor In Kings


Baker goes Bang and the Changing of Everything
“And if Queen gets too close to the truth, we will ‘disappear’ him too.”

“But you said he was squeaky clean—he listens to Bach and Chopin, and he has no association with the underground party scene.”

“We’ll fabricate evidence. We’ll take out the bits we don’t want, and lie about the rest. And besides, ‘disappeared’ people can’t defend themselves!”

Hearing talk of his demise, delivered so flippantly, unnerved Queen. He leaned forward in his car and turned up the volume on his surveillance equipment. He was able to get an audio bug into the restaurant where Deputy PM McLachlan and the head of The Agency (codenamed WOB) were having a discrete working lunch. Queen had met WOB a few times at various national security meetings. Queen thought WOB was highly emotional and prone to hysterical outbursts. But Queen recognised that WOB’s passion made him a very dangerous man. He sighed. “It looks like my only option is to run,” said Queen to himself. “If I keep going with the task force investigation I’ll end up a dead man. He sighed and was about to turn off the surveillance gear and leave when he heard a scuffle.

“Butvitz a Shane… Who the fark are you?”

“I am the law!" Bang! Bang! Click-click. Bang! Bang!

“WTF?” said Queen. He jumped out of his car and ran towards the restaurant where the meeting was taking place. As he got closer, he saw a man walking backwards out of the restaurant entrance. He was waving a sawn-off shotgun in the air. The man was wearing a lemon jumper, cream baggies with a grey and apricot crocheted belt, and cream kicks. Queen closed the distance and put the man in a standing headlock—luche-libre-style.

“Don’t farking move,” said Queen as he took the man’s weapon. The man didn’t resist. Queen looked into the restaurant. He could see two unconscious security personnel on the floor and McLachlan and WOB lying back in their chairs with both their faces blown off. “What have you done?” said Queen.

“Justice!” replied the man, “And it felt soooo good!”

After what he’d heard McLachlan and WOB say, Queen couldn’t argue with the man. He hesitated for a moment, unsure what to do. “Fark! I’m going to regret this,” said Queen as he let the man out of the headlock and threw the gun back to him. “They’ll catch you if you try and go it alone. You can come with me. I know someone who can help both of us.” Queen ran back to his car and the man followed. They both jumped into the car and took off.

“Where are we going?” said the man.

“Our only hope is to go underground. I know a guy who can help us. Can you pass me that bottle of whiskey and mobile phone at your feet, please.”

The penultimate episode is called: Lonely Hambo and the Politics of Choke


Poor WOB. Ha.


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I mean…I would have voted yes anyway, but I quite liked that.



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Yes: Rain, Kj, Swoodley, Hoffy, Wimm, Jez


Getting a bit nervous now I’m near the end.

I’d give you a no but I’m in the next episode and I can’t wait for it. yes


Lonely Hambo and the Politics of Choke
“How did you find me?” said Hambo.

“It’s a… complicated story… If you stop trying to… choke us I’ll… tell you,” replied Wimmera.

Hambo considered his options for the moment—millions of calculations whizzed through his distributed processing networks. Eventually he put Wimmera and Anastasios down and took his foot off PP2’s throat. “Speak,” replied Hambo.

Wimmera paused for a moment to collect his thoughts. “Due to overdosing on an experimental drug, I can eat a person’s brains and get their memories, thoughts, and feelings. Recently, I got access to a half-dozen or so cadavers and ate their brains. Their personalities are all starting to emerge in my psyche: Lifetime Ban, Choppsuey, Socks and Sandals, Davo, SMJ… and you! Some of your memories have already started to emerge in my thoughts. For example, you were an AI scientist, but in your spare time you were secretly working to build an underground DJ resistance movement. You sacrificed your life in order to upload your consciousness into a prototype government slayer-cyborg. And you regularly come to this abandoned skatepark when you’re feeling misunderstood and lonely: to think, skate, and write forlorn love-ballads on your keytar."

“That’s ridiculous! How did you really find out all that information,” said Hambo as he lifted Wimmera into the air by the throat.

“No no! It’s true,” said Anastasios, “there’s an experimental government lab run by Stephen Dank called PharmTech Division or something—“ Hambo dropped Wimmera and turned to Anastasios.

“PharmTech Division? Dank? You will tell me everything you know!” said Hambo.

“And will you help us? Are you still trying to build an underground resistance movement? Can we join?” said Anastasios while rubbing his throat.

Hambo sat down on his skateboard, placed his keytar on his lap, and looked sternly at Wimmera, Anastasios, and PP2. “First tell me what you know. Then I will decide whether to help or harm you…”

The final episode is called: Excalibur and the DJ Kings of the Round Table

Good song find. Yep

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Another song that beautifully marries up with the story. Yes.

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