The reigning DJ King (Mk VIII) is @somebody else

Also, if I could say one last thing about the music I did for my recent story. (I know it’s silly, but TBH, I’m feeling a bit vulnerable about it and just wanted to get something off my chest). The songs I wrote were deliberately puerile and offensive. I was trying to write songs “in character” and make sure every song would be considered “illegal” within the DJ King universe. But, I’m actually not like that IRL (puerile and offensive).

Also, at the risk of getting political I do have a VERY strong belief in the importance of artistic freedom of expression. Short of explicitly inciting violence (which I’m obviously against), I believe artists should be left alone to say whatever the hell they want. And, I do think there has been a political shift recently which may lead to freedom of artistic expression to come under attack (again). So, I suppose my story and songs reflect this concern too.

Anyway, I feel better for saying that.

Back to regular DJ King shenanigans…


It was all fantastic Kira

(except for one small detail which I expect will come out in the follow up story…Klawdy is obviously a government plant and should not be trusted)


Miss Piggy says yes

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Yes. Animal probably the best drummer in the world. Love the muppets. Not one of their best but still a classic.




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All the memories came flooding back when I watched it. The Muppet Movie copped a flogging at our house.

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I couldn’t last six minutes forty listening to that crap, sorry @Klawdy that’s a massive no from me.

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Ditto. No.


So it wouldn’t have mattered if I played the extended mix then? Dammit. :joy:


I do believe I hit the stop button in a record 1 second on this latest effort.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to set this new personal record.

Oh…and have a NO!!!

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Jesus farking Christ, Klawdy



That’s disappointing because it really fires up at the 1 minute mark. :joy:

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Don’t listen to him @swoodley. I got to 2:59 and thought my ears were gonna bleed. It definitely didn’t fire up.



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Mercy killing no :slight_smile:

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