The Reigning Dj King (Mk XV) is...@chewy_boy...on victory lap number three after another win in Blonde DJ

Based on the little I’ve heard of him, some bloke who makes schitt electronic music. With comments like that though, I can warm to him as a bloke…

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If only we had someone who was currently unemployed/retired…

Where’s the track @Crazy_Bomber ?

(I think it was 7-2, unless I’m having a @tinhillterror counting moment?)

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That would be 7-0 (or 9-0 if rounding up) :clown_face:


Very upbeat…have a Yes :slight_smile:

I enjoyed what sounded like masculine moans. Yes for me.

Crazy has as much passion in keeping this set alive as Sheil does in keeping his career alive



As an aside…is anyone interested in a round of Blonde DJ?



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I suppose I could be talked into it…

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Yes to BDJ, No to the track

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Song is 4-2 at present

Ok people…time to see if you’re up for another round of Blonde DJ.

Please reply and @ me so I can keep a record of who is interested.


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Ok people…time to see if you’re up for another round of Blonde DJ.

Please reply and @ me so I can keep a record of who is interested.


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Ok people…time to see if you’re up for another round of Blonde DJ.

Please reply and @ me so I can keep a record of who is interested.


Ok people…time to see if you’re up for another round of Blonde DJ.

Please reply and @ me so I can keep a record of who is interested.


Yeah @swoodley I’ll play as long as you come to the Rectal Tubes 25th anniversary gig on Saturday arvo at Kindred Bandroom in Yarraville. That goes for the rest of you too. P.S. We’ve got Terry Wallace on board.


I’ll be there…just send me the details of my flights and accommodation :slight_smile: