The reigning DJ King (Mk VI) is @Baakkeerrrr...all alone poor dear

This thread is gold for those of us sanctioned time in Antarctica Australis. Our whiskey delivery arrived yesterday.

Yesterday you were sitting in a hammock, now your in Antarctica?

Iā€™m a very dynamic man.

Also, the hammock was two days ago. Just to be clear, and your excellent advice brought me here, to the tundra.

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Ah so you flew in with the whiskey?

I think youā€™re a very confused (or drunk) {or both} man

The tundra is located in the Northern hemisphereā€¦not Antarctica

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Zimmer is in Antarctica??

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Saving that for later. Still have vodka from the previous arctic DJ. They left the turntable on for 8 months and when we arrived it was still playing, Love in a Elevator, which was nice.

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I got drunk once, fell asleep on a train and ended up in Frankstonā€¦ But Antarctica is next level.


Well sir, thatā€™s neither here nor there.

(I knew that too, but Iā€™ll pretend you arenā€™t smarter than me.)

Then where the hell are you (if youā€™re not here nor there)?

Iā€™ve camped outside a cave near the Forrest. Very long extension cord. Just reached, but I donā€™t have a power board, so I have to be very careful about whatā€™s charged and whatā€™s not, before nightfall. Daylight is very brief in these parts. The next door neighbor is playing Dr. Feelgood very loud, and as much as it reminds me of home, I have an inkling heā€™s piggybacking off my very long extension cord. Iā€™m about to go and question him about it. If I donā€™t come back, Iā€™ll be a bit longer.


Edit: Bah, stuffed that up, and Zimmer fixed the typo anyway!

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Thatā€™s pretty psychedelic mate.

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Is there a precedent for this scenario? Whatā€™s the record for dj absenteeism?

Kokā€™s Choice.

Sometimes we just have a free for all till they return.

There was this one time, I went to Tantarcicaā€¦

Some filler music, from the cool sounds of Richard Cheese


No for that grungey song up above.