Training Friday 13 January 2023


A four year player? Why? He suddenly turns into a pumpkin at that point? Not sure why he has that sort of cap on his career.


I’m mostly talking forwards, but…to an extent they’re all utilities.

Aren’t old is the worst reason for anything I think I’ve ever seen.

I haven’t seen enough of him in eight games, and two different roles, to say.
He could be a Guelfi level player. He could be a Clarke level player.
I’m way, way, way off seeing him as a 200 game player.

I see that in Hobbs. I see a bit of that in Caldwell.
I, personally, would invest more in players I see that in.

Anyway, these are just the views of an internet random. There’s no need to get het up about it.


Oooh, I need some more free whiskey…
Do go on.

I just reckon his ceiling as a player is a world away from Guelfi and Clarke. Guys with his kicking ability are absolute gold.

Yeah fair enough. Call me a believer then I guess. I think he is absolutely capable of being a 200 game player and a guy who possesses a skill level that isn’t that common.


As I said, I like him.
I like Guelfi, too.
There were certainly points where I really liked Hind…

Having a group consisting of the likes of Setterfield, Caldwell, Kelly, Hind, Guelfi, Snelling, Perkins, Hobbs, Menzie, Cox, Tsatas, ADJ and Wanganeen all fighting for the last 3-4 spots in the seniors from week to week is hardly a bad thing.

Especially if that’s assuming everyone’s available.


In fact, I love a long term whiskey bet.
Mass finishes with less AFL games than those two.
Bookmark it.

Ham sends his regards.

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Well, you have Perkins in two years not yet show enough as a forward or a mid. Does he have the ceiling to go higher? Sure. So do lots of players. But he’s lacking production to date, and not really shown he can grab a game by the scruff.

Hobbs did fine for a first year draftee but has questions on disposal and for his best position (inside mid) has a LONG way to prove himself.

Mass as a first year draftee with no preseason and limited training showed in just two games forward as much damage in a game forward as Perkins, and in the previous games how much of a weapon he can be off the backline.

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drums fingers on the desk

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Perkins has shown plenty to suggest he will be a gun and 17 other clubs would be falling over themselves to have him on their list.


*catastrophic injury to any player voids the bet.

Not sure how Ham is relevant. Didn’t show as much in four years as Mass has.

But sure, how do we do this bet?

It’s already done. :wink:

Edit: and Ham is just the last whiskey bet I ‘won’ here.

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That’s certainly the Blitz view.

Nah, he is a hard worker so preparation won’t be the issue. I think Hobbs is as much of his will power as skill and athletic performance. So you will never see him excel in preseason. But in a prelim last quarter, he will be the win going harder and working harder than anyone.


I rekon Mass will play over 200 games✅️


I don’t, but that’s not the bet.