US politics - the new orange wave (Part 7)

I’m not certain that the aid freeze and shutdown of USAID would affect food aid delivered through the World Food Programme. As the WFP is an UNGA creation, State probably has nominal carriage, with USDA doing most of the leg work. The WFP is funded by government and private sector donations.
As I understand it USAID mainly operates in the regional and bilateral area. IDK how much impact it has in programs in the Asia Pacific .
I recall a report that Australia and the US had agreed from a small Pacific Islands security perspective ( Chyna) that the US would manage aid in Palau, Micronesia and the Marshall Islands, with Australia delivering aid to the others.


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Thanks for the insight.

I made a point at the end of Trump’s first term, about how I’m hoping that we can go back to boring politics again, and concentrate on policy.

A heap of people in this thread completely disagreed, and thought it was fantastic how politics has become entertaining under the Trump.

Some people want their politics to be like reality tv.

But We’re talking about life and death for millions of people……and people want to watch some soap opera play out. It’s f*cking sick.


IIRC, payouts are due the day after the government is scheduled to lose funding ( which is routinely renewed by congress)

There are genuine concerns that employees who take these offers will never receive the money they’re owed


sounds like Aurora Andruska


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Biden negotiated a deal with Cuba to rescind US designation of Cuba as a terrorist State in return for Cuban release of several hundred political prisoners.
As expected, Rubio, a Cuba hawk, overturned the deal , tightened sanctions and Cuba stopped the prisoner release.
Rubio’s family migrated from Cuba under the Batista regime and periodically lived between Cuba and USA.


Wonderful adverb! First use on Blitz, too! Well done.


I recall back in 2016 some Blitzers were hoping she would get the Democratic nomination for POTUS. What are their thoughts now?

How much money is the US going to save in withdrawal from the WHO Agreement and freeze on voluntary donations to other UN programs.?
IIRC, a WHO member is required to give one year’s notice to withdraw.
The US committed $15 million to the trust fund for the UNSC approved Multilateral Security Support Force for Haiti. So far $1.7 million has been spent. Following the US notification that no more be spent from its donation, the remaining $13.3 million is a frozen asset in the UN accounts…
It seems that, when voluntary pledges are made to UN programs, donors deposit cash in UN accounts.

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2019 even - and who started the russian collusion hoax - Clinton, like she did with trump.


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And Dan Andrews at the Coate inquiry.

I don’t think she ran in 2016, but she did in 2020.

At the time she had clout with Sanders voters because she had run afoul of the Democratic establishment and went after Hillary (rightly so) for her support of Iraq and Afghanistan wars, and she also pushed to end superdelegates. I feel like there were always rumblings within progressive circles that there was something off about her, though.

Then the Assad thing happened, and that was kind of the first red flag. After that she started going on Fox and red-pilled herself. Certainly not the kind of heel turn I expected. In hindsight you could almost be convinced that she was a plant.


Against reports that food aid and HIV programs have been affected by the US aid freeze, Rubio said there was a waiver for food and life saving medicines. If such items aren’t getting to recipients, it’s the fault of those incompetents doing the programs
(He left out the bit that the aid freeze covers the people and equipment delivering the programs, including NGOs )


We “all” thought Musk was actually Tony Stark, striving to save the world, and yet here we are…

so trump reckons he has has had discussions with many countries who will take them . the arab world is against it , none of the allied are for it, so who is he talking about ? they have no other friends, Russia ?
how does anyone justify supporting Maga and trump outside of America ?

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Australia is a weak knee supplicant country unable to refuse any US order.
So maybe us?

Don’t recall that at all. Show us that “heap of people “.

Politics never is and never should be entertaining.

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