Vegans on a rampage

You know vegan =/ vegetarian, yeah?

Wife if vegetarian (proper vegetarian, not half-arsed rubbish) and the only times she needs to tell people that is for dietary requirements.

Now vegans on the other hand need to tell everyone they are vegan, the reasons they are vegan, the benefits of becoming a vegan and why you are more evil than the off spring of Satan and trump/Hillary (depending on what side you’re on)


Doesn’t sound like it was very hardy

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I want to know who was the lucky one to test which farts are smellier.

Yes I am aware. I have no issue with either as long as they don’t try take away my steak. If they do, I will bite them!

I got four chickens a couple of weeks ago and we finally got our first egg this morning. Booyah!

Everything’s coming up Milhouse!


Also, meat is good.

I would have smeared as many protestors as possible with rare fillet mignon jus.

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Yeah, I was just about to ask what happened to vegetarians. You never hear a word about them these days. Seems to me it’s the perfectly logical middle ground. I eat meat, but I could potentially give that away as long as I could still have eggs, milk, cheese, butter etc. Oh, and fish.


If I was a rich prick I’d make a slingshot, buy a bunch of steaks and hurl them at the protestors.
But alas, I’m not that much of a prick and I’m certainly not rich.

This thread. Wow.


I know right??

As if any Vegan would have the energy to “Rampage”.



I am going to give up meat between Midnight and 7:00AM each.

I feel inspired to do my part. Oink!


I’m not vegetarian and my wife still cooks meat for me. I have over time reduced the amount of meat I eat (maybe have it now twice a week). Meat isn’t the be all end all, there are much more options out there to replace it.

What I don’t understand with vegans who purchase pork flavoured vegan sausages. Why???


You a guy or girl?

But that’s the best time to have a kebab. WTF?


Spoken like a man who has never eaten roast onion

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I don’t reckon I’ve ever met a vegan who isn’t a complete nutter


I start my day with a 6 banana smoothie, i middle my day with a 6 banana smoothie, i end my day with a 6 banana smoothie. i’m so happy.

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I start my day with some bacon, i middle my day with a steak, i end my day with a pork. I’m happier.

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