VFL - Semi Final vs Tigers @ Port Melbourne, 12:40pm Saturday 8 September 2018 - easy

Play still stopped. He’s up, but being examined.

Now limping with assistance off the ground.

Boyce has a dislocated shoulder and limping heavily

Hes done for the day


He just popped a nut, dislocated shoulder and tore his hammy. Wow.

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Looked ■■■■■■■ awful

And how the ■■■■ wasn’t it a free kick, he was strangled to the ground

The long bomb into the forward line won’t win us the game

Richmond running in huge numbers through the midfield but luckily Clarke gets a hand in and stops a handball.

Would like Jake Long to step up today, and not give another forgettable game.

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right on cue

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Good kick longy

Mini speccy from Long! And spears it into Stewart!

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Long takes good mark at 65 and then hits up Stewart. Who misses. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Some quality moments there, clarke sidestep, longy mark and pass

And Stewart misses from 45m.


Zerk alert, he’s gonna be a star!


Honour Stewart’s leads and we’re right in this.

aaaaaaand he kicks a point. Sigh

Was classy on the wing then Long. Can’t finish.

Francis hugely infringed on the wing, no mark. They’re clearing from points too easily.

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