Vinyl LP's & 45's

While I’m here I will add that if anyone is looking for a great smaller speaker in a smaller room, I cannot recommend Dali Zensor 1’s enough. I’ve had these for 10 years and these things are fantastic across the range. I’m blown away by the depth on dub records and the like, as much as the clarity in any well-cut record.

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Pumping Madness at half time to get my spirit back up

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Nice work mrjez - will select between some Bluesbreakers or Taste or when I get home. Need a bit of music to settle me down!


Ive developed a wondeful habbit of coming home from the brewery and listening to Endless Boogie records at high volume. I can’t see myself changing this behaviour any time soon.


Hey man what a set up. At some point I’ll need to add a room up in the back yard as if we have a second kid we’ll need the extra bedroom at some point.

With your set up in general is it a shed (I.e. American barn style colourbond) or an actual room (I.e. brick/weatherboard finished with plaster etc)?

I have been toying with the idea of shipping container style rooms (they finish them off pretty good these days) but it will be partly for storing my precious record/retro video game collection, plus my bass guitars and any moisture/condensation would risk damage to things.

I’m looking at the most cost effective but suitable option and have become resigned to an actual construction being the safest option, but this will come at a much higher cost.

Just interested to know what your set up is and if you’ve had any issues given your collection is obviously previous to you, along with your whole audio set up.

Its a 6x9 shed in the backyard. We live on an acre, so its about thirty metres from the house. Its insulated, plastered has a dunny, a split system and two sinks (one in the dunny and one behind the bar).

I do refer to it as The Shed (even tho its official name is The Wolf&Buzzard Ale House) but its more of a bungalow to be honest. Zero work gets done in there, and there are no tools to be seen (unless you count me). Its purely for drinking and music.


I’m assuming no condensation issues. Are you in Melbourne? Looks beautiful mate.

Im in a little town called Mirboo North. In South Gippsland. It is a beautiful town, but we (the town) suffered an extreme storm in February that knocked down thousands of trees and destroyed a handfullof homes…though the shed survived. But the town is doing well.

No condensation issues thankfully. Well, nothing that shows up on the windows. The split system did leak on some 45s once. That was annoying.

The whole family love the shed. Mrs Dogga and I always have happy hour in there friday arvos and saturdays. And our daughters (7 year old twins) come down for games of uno. Records playing the whole time of course.

We all love it and never take it for granted. If your thinking of doing it, plan everything. There will always be something you wish you did different, but if you plan it out in advance, you’ll end up with a better result.


Appreciate the advice. What a great way to spend time together, spinning vinyls and arguing over the ethics of using draw 4s hahaha.

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Ah yes…the might and power of the draw four…

Id steer clear of shipping containers. Ive heard condensation in those things is a nightmare. Last thing you want is mouldy records.

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To derail the thread momentarily, do you have any “house rules” for Uno? You know, the Uno equivalent of the “free parking” square collecting all the fees money in Monopoly…

We used to play it that if a Draw card was laid, the next person could lay another Draw (either 2 or 4, didn’t matter) card on top of it. You’d keep going sequentially until someone had no Draw card to lay. That poor unsuspecting sod would then have to Draw the whole combined lot. It could be brutal…

Yes. We play that way. Multiple draw 4s are rare. But last sunday we had a 4 x draw 2. It was a pretty big event in The Shed.


My rules are you only use a draw4 if you can’t play another card, as per the rules. My partner is a filthy swine and thinks it’s at your discretion. We haven’t played UNO since.


Mirboo North eh? Anywhere near Clear Creek Valley Road? Family had two farms there back in the day. God’s own country imho. Lucky you!

Im about 8ks away from there. I think thats in Mirboo. Not Mirboo North. Yep, its beautiful country around here. Just got home from the annual winter festival in Baromi Park. Three years in a row the rain has stayed away. Incredible effort from Mother Nature for these parts.

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Louisiana Red. Dead Stray Dog. From Fat Possum Records. 1976.

Ive been on a real blues kick last month or so. Which has been great, coz I have a lot of blues records Ive only listened to once or twice.

This is just one voice one guitar and some dark subject matter. Nasty ■■■■ at times. Dark. I like it.


The ole Ikea Cutting Boards aye ?

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Most definitely!

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Ashbury - Endless Skies. A beautiful american rock forgotten gem…the amount of times i’ve sold this relic at the shop just by playing it would be at least…5 haha. For fans of beards, solos, cool old dudes rocking.