Votes v AFL Love Childs

  1. Hurley
  2. Baguely
  3. Ryder

    Sorry heps, zerrett…




3 Ryder

2 Hooker

1 Baguley

3. Ryder
2. Hurley
1. Hooker

3. Hurley
2. Ryder
1. Heppell


3. Hurley
2. Ryder
1. Heppell


Ditto. Clearly.

3. Hurley

2. Ryder

1. Heppell

3. Hurley

2. Ryder

1. Myers

3. Ryder

2. Hurley

1. Heppell

3. Ryder
2. Hurley
1. Colyer

3. Hurley

2. Myers

1. Ryder

3 Hurley

2 Ryder

1 Hooker

3 Hurley

2 Ryder

1 Hooker


Yeah me 2.



and then








Final Vote Tally for Round 19


Michael Hurley    270

Patrick Ryder     182

David Myers      31

Dyson Heppell  29

Cale Hooker       24

Mark Baguley     17

Zach Merrett      8

Travis Colyer      4

Dustin Fletcher  3

David Zaharakis  2

Heath Hocking  2

Paul Chapman   1

Offical Nobby Clarke Medal Votes


Michael Hurley    5

Patrick Ryder     4

David Myers      3

Dyson Heppell  2

Cale Hooker      1


Nobby Clarke Medal Leaderboard after Round 19

Dyson Heppell  34

Patrick Ryder  25

Cale Hooker  24

Brendon Goddard  21

Jobe Watson  20

David Zaharakis  19

Brent Stanton  16

Michael Hurley  12

Jake Carlisle  11

Michael Hibberd  10

Paul Chapman 10

Dustin Fletcher  9

Mark Baguley  9

David Myers  9

Martin Gleeson  7

Heath Hocking  6

Travis Colyer  6

Ben Howlett  5

Joe Daniher  5

Jason Winderlich  5

Jackson Merrett  4

Patrick Ambrose 2

Courtenay Dempsey  1

Just an observation that Gleeson is ahead of all the other debutants. Including Zerrett and Joedan.

This kid is a ripper. I hope he gets his match fitness back for the run home.

Just an observation that Gleeson is ahead of all the other debutants. Including Zerrett and Joedan.
This kid is a ripper. I hope he gets his match fitness back for the run home.

Interesting pick up.
Collectively you would have to say Zerrett has been the best of the debutants. Strange hasn't even got a vote yet.

Gleeson managed votes two weeks in a row - both losing efforts - against Freo and St Kilda. I actually was looking at Zach Merrett's voting so far and he hasn't actually gone close to getting a Nobby vote in any particular game.