Votes v Dees

3 hurls
2 joe
1 bagz

3 - Hurley 2 - Daniher 1 - Stanton

Unlucky: Baguley, Edwards, Heppell


3 Baguley
2 Hurley
1 Daniher

3 Baguley
2 Hurley
1 Daniher

3 - Hurley 2 - Daniher 1 - Stanton

Unlucky: Baguley, Edwards, Heppell

  1. Hurls
  2. Joe Dan
  3. Stants

Hurley. 3
Bags. 2
Daniher 1

3. Hurley 2. Daniher 1. Baguley
  • 1


TBH I’m really impressed that we got the win. I still have trouble watching the style of play we’re doing, we get out numbered after clearances most of the time since we pack the stoppages.

3 - Hurley 2 - Daniher 1 - Stanton

Unlucky: Baguley, Edwards, Heppell

  1. Hurley
  2. JD
  3. stanton
  1. Hurley
  2. Joe D
  3. Bags

3 - Daniher
2 - Hurley
1 - Stanton

got killed in the ruch,why don’t hird play giles,if giles played against gawn ,melbourne ruckman is garbage

3 stanton
2 daniher
1 hurley

3 - JD
2 - Hurley
1 - Baguley

  1. Hurley
  2. Daniher
  3. Bags
  1. Hurley
  2. Daniher
  3. Stanton

Goddard and Baguley very unlucky.

  1. Hurley
  2. Daniher
  3. Goddard

Hibberd. Stanton and Baguley very close.

Hurley Daniher Bags