Votes v Port

3 Winderlich

2 Stanton

1 Colyer


Apologies Hooksy.

3. Winderlich

2. Myers

1. Winderlick

  1. Myers
  2. Bags
  3. Licha

3 zaka

2 Dempsey

1 myers

3 - Myers

2 - Baguley

1 - Zakka

3 - Myers

2 - Zaharakis

1 - Winderlich

Myers 3

Demps 2


3 BJ

2 Bags

1 Myers

3. Dempsey

2. Zaka

1. Chappy

  1. Myers
  2. Zaka
  3. Bags

Geez, tough one this week.
3. Zaka
2. Myers
1. Winderlich
Baguely outstanding and Goddard all class.


3 Chap

2 Zaka

1 myers

Give the votes to the coaching staff. Hurls and Carlisle swapping around worked well,winders down back,what a masterstroke .

3   Myers
2  Baguley
1  Hurley 
but votes could've gone to Heppell, Zaharakis, Dempsey, Stanton, Winderlich,  we had a lot of contributors 
  1. Myers
  2. Zaka
  3. Bags

3 Myers

2 zaka

1 chappy

3. Myers

2. Zaharakis

1. Colyer




Thought it was a very even performance.




Couldn’t see Myers’ work from up in the nosebleeds but sounds like he was great. Bags good too.

3 Myers

2. Zaka

1 Bags