Votes vs Weagles

3. Heppell

2. Baguley

1. Colyer

3. 12. consistently good and was beating much bigger blokes

2. 18. best bigger defensive player today. Under constant pressure, but calm and self assured. These two kept us in it.

1. 21. Heppell. He and Colyer did the most to get it forward to Licha.




3 Heppell

2 Baguley

1 Myers

Hurley, colyer also very good

3. Heppel

2. Baguely

1. Hooker


Jobe is a gun. 8 weeks out and comes back like he had never been out. Hibberd also was fantastic after his injury and his first comeback attempt.

3 heppell

2 winderlich

1 baguley

3 Hurley

2 Heppell

1 Hibbert

3 Baguely

2 Collyer

  1. Winderlich

    Heppell Watson Myers Hurley Hooker - Any of them could have been in the top three.

3 Hurley

2 Heppell

1 Hibbert

3. Heppell

2. Baguley

1. Hibberd


Watson was fantastic too.

3 Heppell

2 Baguley

1 Myers

Hurley, colyer also very good



3 - Heppell


2 - Bags


1 - Licha

3. Heppell

2. Baguley

1. Winderlich


Colyer, Hurley, Hibberd, Watson, Myers - all very good

3. UMM LICKA?! isnt it obvious

2. Heppell

1. Pig


Jobe, Myers and I feel Zerrett deserves some recognition, he had a very visible impact when I was watching

3 heppell
2 winderlich
1 baguley

3- Heppell (he won us the match, 28 disposal second half!! Insane!!
2- Baguley (best game of seen him play)
1- Hurley (our back line kept us in the game and he was tough, hard and ran his guys out)

3. Heppell
2. Bags
1. Licha

3 bags

2 hepps

1 colyer

Hibberd and Hurley and licha all deserved votes too.




Had Winders just gone back and taken the kick in the third q. etc. 


ie. Love you Winders. 


