We should apply for a priority draft pick

So once my friend was having a whinge…“I will never win the lotto”. I asked him, did you buy a ticket? He looked at me confused. I asked him how can you win, if you haven’t even entered into the game? Moral of the story…

If we don’t ask, we will never get it.

McKenna knew this.

Being clever? Really? That’s what you think?
I mean OK.
There’s only one thing you really need to do to actually be clever.
One thing.
Only one thing.
And you knew what the thing was, but you choose not to do it?

Edit: something Worsfold plan B something something

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Whaddya know?
It turns out - it’s a thread about making fun of you!


I do like to leave open the possibility that I simply don’t understand something, rather than just saying it’s wrong or that the poster is an idiot.

Perhaps I should rethink that.

What, another one?

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That’s a rather long sentence, Haiku-Boy!

I give this impression a 6/10

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It was a long thought.
I do also like to keep things simple.
I have this foolish belief that it will lessen the chances of being misinterpreted.

Was that better?

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Thread has made my morning :joy:


No italics - cross
Sentences too long - cross
Taking things way too seriously - big tick

Also could have used a crack about the game plan.

Solid C+ but more work required please

You are either all mad
Or all bored just like I am
Maybe it’s both. Or not

Have I got that right?


Capital Letters replace italics when I’m on the phone.

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Wimm does not ask that kind of question.
It shows lack of conviction.

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Just a thought but perhaps this has been Wims plan all along :thinking:I mean… who would think that there isnt a good…plan. Where on the right track :+1: Support the haiku :clap:

It is just a thread on the internet

It cannot and will not change what happens.

I did not take it to be a serious proposition.


That’s not bad, Doe!

You think we should?
No harm in arksing.

Doug Hawkins??? Is that you?