West Taiwan (aka CHINA)

This will ■■■■ Winnie & Co off

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The above is very true. The KMT’s official policy position is the same as the government ie maintain the status quo.

That position is probably code for - we are working steadily towards independence but we won’t acknowledge this officially until 5 minutes before it happens.

Plenty of people - probably most - have no interaction with national governments (here and in China), and live their daily lives - and particularly their business/working lives - without concern for their government’s policies, crackdowns and human rights abuses that have no effect on them, and are even denied by sophisticated misinformation machines.

These people don’t really care who the govt is. I wouldn’t dare put words in the bacchus’s mouth, but he might’ve been referring to these folk.

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Skynet for the Moon

I love the term “enemy of the state” = anyone that may not agree with the dictator

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I want Tik Tok to taken down in the US to see the crying from China, some of my wife friends are getting worked up about this and how unfair it is and how bad the Us is, her response has been FACEBOOK- lBlocked, Twitter-Blocked, WharsAPP-Blocked, Google-Blocked so STFU


Trump says Facebook is actually The Enemy.

Why does he not hate CHYNA so much?


The US Ambassador to China will ■■■■ some of the thin skinned ■■■■■■ off. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xo4Hr4P7x4

I loved this bit “I find it supremely ironic because government officials here are using the X platform to criticize the United States,” Ambassador Nicholas Burns said in an interview with Bloomberg Television on Thursday. “They don’t give their own citizens the right to use X, to use Instagram, to use Facebook, to have access to Google.”


Yup. Hurry up and do it. Would love to see it banned in Aus as well, the absolute garbage on it aside, the hypocritical crying is better.





“ Just got off the phone with one of the American CEOs who went to the China Development Forum (CDF) this week and met with Xi Jinping on Wednesday in China. Speaking on condition of anonymity, he said “Business is still terrible,” and confidence in the economy is very low. 1/9

After spending nearly a week there speaking with the leadership and members of the business community, this CEO said there was no indication the country is is backing away from centralizing the economy. 2/9

He said wealthy Chinese are fearful and selling items that are seen as ostentatious, such as private jets, “because its dangerous to be rich in China.” He added that they are trying to get their money out of the country. 3/9

As for the CDF, there was very little reference to climate change, renewables, or decarbonization. This CEO said there were passing references to the private sector, but the focus always returned to support of the large, state-owned enterprises which dominate the economy. 4/9

The CEO told me the meeting with Xi lasted 1.5 hours; that Xi was asked tough questions by the CEOs and that Xi gave tough answers.

He says in that meeting, Xi stressed the following:
-that China’s economy hasn’t peaked 5/9

-every economy has difficulties and they have the capacity to address theirs
-said repeatedly they know how to fix their economy, that everyone has an idea about how to fix their problems but that they know how to fix their problems

-they know they have to provide at least 10 million new jobs every year to new graduates
-on semiconductors, that its not right for the US to try and constrain China’s economy
-that China is not a threat to the United States

-that the US should not try to hinder China’s growth
-Taiwan is a red line and that China doesn’t interfere with other countries’ borders, so other countries shouldn’t try to interfere with theirs
-that nuclear war would destroy humanity and we should never go there

-Thucydides trap is not inevitable and has to be avoided at all costs
-the governing system of China is not going to change
-They respect other forms of government, they ask respect for theirs.



Another attack on Chinese in Pakistan

China Suffers Third Terror Attack In A Week | China Economy: Industrial Profits | Middle East

This has been an issue on and off for many years. To some extent it was offset for a while by Chinese expats who returned from o/s because they could see business opps opening up. That was a while ago now, perhaps 10 years or so. Swings and roundabouts.


Long story short Xi’s arrogance has made what looked like a certain goal turn into a proper scrap.

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Joint patrol underway in the South China Sea.


do China consider this patrol to be the same as sailing up the Yangtze?

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The Kunming Health Commission watchdog announced on Tuesday that several hospitals in Kunming have been providing inappropriate male genital cleaning services.

In response, the health commission has initiated a joint investigation with law enforcement authorities. Following verification, the hospitals found to be involved will face legal consequences, officials stated.

Recently, there has been a proliferation of advertising cards in Kunming promoting a purported male genital cleaning service priced at 98 yuan. These cards depict a female nurse and contain a QR code linking to two private hospitals: Yunnan Ren’ai Hospital and Guandu Minsheng Hospital, according to a report in thepaper.cn.

The service reportedly bypasses standard registration and medical consultation procedures, raising suspicions that the hospitals may be offering erotic services under the guise of healthcare, the report alleged.

An undercover investigation by thepaper.cn revealed that the so-called male “root bath” service involves using a device to spray and massage the male genital area, despite the lack of reliable research supporting any therapeutic benefits.

A customer service representative from Yunnan Ren’ai Hospital, certified by WeChat, claimed that the service, administered by female nurses using hydrotherapy devices, could address conditions like prostatitis and kidney weakness. According to the representative, the service is not limited to those with existing ailments but is also marketed for general health maintenance.

Yunnan Ren’ai Hospital has reportedly designated a specific “treatment” area for this service, referred to as the “Urology Hydrotherapy Surgery.” A female “doctor” asserted that this area, consisting of five treatment rooms, is a “male diagnostic special zone,” emphasizing the effectiveness of massages by female nurses and asserting that individuals of all ages can undergo the treatment.

The “medical” service encompasses both device-based treatment and manual therapy, with the latter described as a massage or traditional Chinese medicine acupoint technique. The “doctor” assured that the manual therapy would not be painful and declined to address potential side effects.

The hand technique experience is priced at 98 yuan, while the device-based “root bath” experience costs 398 yuan. Media investigations revealed a substantial number of “male patients” availing themselves of this specialized service, according to the report.

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I loved Kunming when l was there, even though l never heard of any such treatment.

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I will be in Kunming in November for one week.
Will investigate and report back to Blitz.


Sounds way less fun than I thought it was going to be :joy:

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