What annoys you?

Doubtful, but thanks.

Luckily, I have my personality to keep visitors at bay.


Or at least, cry fowl.

Worth having a gander at though.

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where’s 'boot? He loves a pun. Although he’s more of a night owl than an early bird so he might not be up yet.

We live next door to a primary school and they had a large chook pen, that was never kept clean and attracted rates and the occasional snake. Our cats and dogs sorted the rats who ventured into their space, but the snakes worried me. School Principal was a dill who did nothing, but one of the teachers got two geese and they sorted out rats, snakes, pesky little kids and had our cats and dogs completely bluffed. The only thing that scared them was Mrs Fox.

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migrated north for the winter

Just chicken out other peoples puns before flying in to peck up where others left off with a few seedy offerings of my own.


Sims he flew East for thet migreetion instud, eh bro?

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You let a fox into the henhouse?


Really was a fox once, but they get older and scarier.

The local pest control bloke was around here just before, spraying the two vacant blocks across the street.

He says bait is the only way to go, but more worryingly, he reckons the latest snake found in the street was a copperhead (where’s Steve Earle when you need him?) but more tigers. He’s more worried by tigers because they’re more aggressive.

It’s not a goose you need, it’s a mongoose.

Is that a french one?


Heard about the guy who needed two, but didn’t know the plural.

Dear Sirs
Please send me two mongooses mongeese mongoose

Blast it! Please send me one mongoose.
PS can you also send another one?


No,… it’s a single one.

And male too.

Poor blighter can’t pull a root.

Not sure how this is going to help with the snakes but I have one in the shed if you want it


Is that so I can get away from the mofos quicker?

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Not sure if you would have seen the small video on Facebook from the couple on a trail in Portland. Filmed a massive tiger snake crossing the path behind them. That thing was a farken python.

And here it is…

Well he needs to make up his mind.
Does he want a pull or a root?


I’ve seen more than a few tigers in my time, the longest was probably 5 ft … never even would have believed they grew to that size. It’s like a King Brown.