What annoys you?

Bad insurance then. My mum paid $400 for her $90k+ surgery, chemo and radiation.


Whn th ky on your kyboard stops working


It could be worse.

Need some e dude?

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I bg to diffr.

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You need to connect a keyboard to your keyboard.

thanks wimm, but I can’t trust you for computr advic

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Sounds like you’ve got some non E Harmony there Bomb Do.

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At least the boss won’t get too suspicious of your search history “rdtub”


‘hey siri fix my computer’

‘whats a computer?’



inspect an apartment, massive mould spot growing above shower, assume its from leaking shower on the floor above, go to estate agent, “whats the go with the mould on the roof of the shower, does the owners corp know about it?”, agent literally looks at me “what mould?”.

■■■■ me its like a dinner plates worth of brown, black and yellow rot on the roof of the shower. Makes you wonder whether he even set foot in the apartment

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Amazon US letting you search for items and go through all the steps to cart and Delivery address before telling you “This Item does not ship Internationally”

Fk me, … EBay can do it on the product page, … why can’t they?


Don’t we have amazon in oz?

Yeah, but its ■■■■■.

Yeah, … apparently that.^ Still much better to get stuff on the US one and pay shipping I read here.

I’ve never actually bought anything from either yet, … just did a search for an item, and it came up on there, so was going to do so for the 1st time, .but alas, … can’t get it shipped.

Just struck me how stupid it was that they wouldn’t tell you that on the page,… or give you an option to only search in a “will ship to Oz” mode, … given how big and rich the mob are, … and that other sites do. Weird.

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If you’re logged in it tells you as it will have a saved shipping address.

I did try that mate. Made an account with addy, & logged in. Didn’t seem to change anything.

What I did find though, was an ADD ON for F Fox & Chrome. that added a box, only to the Amazon page that would let you see who, out of the listed sellers from a search, would ship Int.



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LOL at the price difference for your example.

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