What annoys you?

Are you Ryan Gosling?

Iā€™m a shocker for this. I do it all the time.

Same, I do it forgetting Iā€™ve already told that person about 5 months ago


why do you hate teamwork so much?

Because I hate the team.

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A friend ( who knows how to make a short story long) prefaces his yarns with ā€œ I may have told you this beforeā€¦ā€ then proceeds without taking a breath, to hold us all unspellbound.
One day, someone cut in just after the prelude with ā€œ Probably, but do tell us againā€.
Friendship with the interrupter ceased.


Deb farking Frecklington (qld LNP leader for all you southerners who donā€™t know) screaming for anything the Labor party doesnā€™t propose in response to shark attacks in Cid harbour, Whitsundays. Never mind that her favoured bait lines caught 3 sharks which were killed following the first 2 attacks, yet failed to prevent the 3rd one. Fkg political point scoring on the back of a fatality when she has absolutely no idea what sheā€™s talking about. Fkg gets my goat.


Sounds like a complete Frecklington.

Thatā€™s not a real name, tell me it ainā€™t.

When you take the red lolly and it turns out to be watermelon.
Also, apple flavour in any sort of lolly.
Because thatā€™s what I want in a sweet.
A frigginā€™ apple.

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Always the orange or yellow lollies for me. But fark I hate it when it turns out these lollies arenā€™t orange or lemon flavoured.


Hosting a 12yo boys sleepover. Donā€™t do it. The cute and fun factor has given way to inconsiderate, self centred little sh1ts.


Itā€™s not a great age for boys.
All of the arrogance, all of the childishness, none of the adolescent worries about not looking like a jerk.

My sons are in their thirties, I would like 12 back again.

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Iā€™m assuming you donā€™t have to host a sleepover for them and their mates.
If you do, then Iā€™m sorry.


No, but I have to host sleepovers for their kids, pay their bills and generally treat them like they are still 12.

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Pay their bills? WTF?