What colour is this dress?

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Where's a scientist to explain this?
Have people really not seen this before?

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The OP is white and gold, amazon link blue and black. However, after looking at the pink and green one in the second post, the first one appears a bit blue. Where's a scientist to explain this?

I’ve never been able to see black in this dress…it’s a gold/tan type of colour, and the “blue” is a lilac/mauve type of colour.

It’s a superb illusion. To me it’s white and gold, but I know people who see the black and blue. Great work whoever did it.

Simply can’t see it as anything but blue and black no matter how hard I try.

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The OP is white and gold, amazon link blue and black. However, after looking at the pink and green one in the second post, the first one appears a bit blue. Where's a scientist to explain this?

I’ve never been able to see black in this dress…it’s a gold/tan type of colour, and the “blue” is a lilac/mauve type of colour.

When I was seeing it as white/gold this is what I was saying. Like I can maybe get the blue, but how anyone saw black was beyond me.
Now that it’s switching between both I can see that it is black, it’s really very freaky how different the same image is.

Looked white and gold on the PC at work yesterday, and it’s blue and black on the iPhone and iPad today.

imagine if they made images that changed… like a movie gif.

I saw it as blue and black, then a few hours later still blue and black. A few minutes after that I saw white and gold…When I saw it for the first time it was with Mrs MB and I blurted out black and blue, she then straight away said white and gold. I thought she was taking the p155, she thought I was. So at the same time we had almost opposite views. Much like our married life… :slight_smile:

How the fk are you idiots seeing white? I can’t make it appear anything other than royal blue.

Does the ocean appear white to you as well??

This thing has driven me bonkers.

Whoa. Gold tyres and everything!

I only see white and gold. But I’m also colourblind.

That’s a camper van you nut cases.

I just got back from the docs with an extremely blood shot eye, he said what did you do to it, I said looked at that dress for too long. Didn’t see the humor in it

I’ve now seen it in MX and on TV, and it’s been the same every time…never black and blue and never white and gold.

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Where's a scientist to explain this?
Have people really not seen this before?


LOL @ the talk page. Love wikipedia sometimes.

Case closed.

It’s weird how it looks white and gold in the mirror, only.

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It's weird how it looks white and gold in the mirror, only.

It is the opposite for me!