Who is the best Ninja Turtle - Throwback Thursday!





Who would win out of the Street Sharks vs TMNT?

Raphael. The red one. Fkn purple ■■■■. Never liked that one.

Donatello all day everyday

Leonardo then daylight


Though I love Casey Jones!!



fkg concur.
give that man a wristy.


LOL, is it even possible to give a turtle a wristy?

beebop and rocksteady. ■■■■ yeah. 



Krang is a dead set weird unit. What drugs was everyone on?

I had no idea which is which or who is who so I checked out the all-knowing Wikipedia. Donatello sounds like my kind of guy/turtle.

Leonard's Leads,
Donatello does machines (that's a fact jack!)
Raphael is cool but crude (give me a break)
Michelangelo is a party dude (of yeeeeeeeeaaaaaahhhhhhhhh)

I liked Leonardo because he was the smartest and sensible.

I'm feeling really left out here, I know nothing about these turtles you speak of other than they were a punk band...right?

I liked Leonardo because he was the smartest and sensible.


this was the maddest toy getting around. i think it's still in the shed at mums. must dig it out.


Mikey first but grew to prefer Don.

Usagi yojimbo best toy.

Leonardo my favourite.

Donatello My second.

I do not care Raphael or Michaelanglo.


To put it into a 200 Premiership team context

Leonardo = Hirdy (leads, is a scholar).

Donatello = Wellman (does machines podiatrists would use some cool stuff I imagine).

Raphael* = Mark Johnson (a bit impulsive).

Michaelanglo* = John Barnes (bit of a larrikin).


*  Unlike the turtles I paired them with, I loved MJ and Barnsey.

I am not 100% sold on the Leo/Hirdy comparison, but it is the best I could come up with.

I liked Leonardo because he was the smartest and sensible.


I think you'll find Donatello was the smartest...

I liked Leonardo because he was the smartest and sensible.

I think you'll find Donatello was the smartest...

Leo was also the leader. He wins hands down. Is also the best fighter out of all of them

Leonardo was a whiny *****.

they did their best work when they all wore red fwiw - went down hill when they sold out and got all colourful and ■■■■