#12 Will Setterfield

Dont hurt your neck by doing that!!




Hahah, I actually laughed out loud, well done. I needed that!


This will not be a popular view but I REALLY hope we don’t bring him straight back in from injury. Our midfield has looked much better and more dynamic with more time from Durham and Caldwell.

He is one dimensional and one paced.


At this rate he can have Parishes spot

it will be interesting, but likely injuries will open up spots.
any more than 2-3 weeks he likely needs to come back through the VFL.

We might even need to do a Geelong and start resting players.

I like Setters, but Durham just has so many more strings to the bow.

I can’t see a spot for Setterfield.

The keys to this midfield need to be handed to Durham and Caldwell now


Duzza and Calders with the country grit

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Depth now

Shiel, Parish and Setterfield would make an A-Clasd midfield in the VFL


He is gonna become the odd man out.
Its crazy because I actually think when he is healthy he is a pretty bloody good player, but he is just behind what the other guys can do.


How’s this guys injury faring? Any chance of a call up against the pies? He seems to be becoming depth but given that it could be wet weather I’d love to see his physicality on display. ■■■■ Collingwood.

A week or 2 away still


Thinking that Perkins will return to the midfield mix, you have Merrett, Caldwell, Durham, Perkins Parish & Hobbs in the midfeld rotations already, and most have the dynamic mix you need. Would Setterfield be the perfect candidate for the sub role going forwards?

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I would have thought he is a terrible sub option. Won’t add a heap of run and not particularly versatile.

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Just think he has become a depth player.
The guys we have in there now are all better then him and more important overall to the team.


I really hope that we prioritise Durham, Caldwell, Perkins, Tsatas and Hobbs over Setterfield. He’ll be terrific depth, but our mids have been humming and we’ve addressed the size/contested ball issue.

Hobbs I remain not quite sold on. On pure output for output you’d have Setterfield in for him every time. But of course Hobbs is a developing kid and Setterfield is mature, so it’s not really an equal comparison. Not sure Setterfield and Tsatas are really competing for the same role either. We have a LOT of midfield depth right now that can genuinely claim to deserve a spot in the ones, and most of those players aren’t old, and we can count on them being around for a good few years yet. From a list building perspective, it’s become a question of ceilings rather than filling gaps. How good CAN a midfield of Perkins/Durham/Caldwell/etc be in their mid 20s when they all have 100 games under their belts? Are they a flag midfield? Or do we have to start looking at moving on some of them in exchange for perceived upgrades - like I assume we’d have to do if we manage to convince LDU to come across? We just can’t fit all our mid options into one midfield at the same time. So far this season we’ve had enough injuries that Tsatas is the only one who’s spent real time kicking his heels in the VFL or on the emergency list, but if we manage to clear our injury list there’s going to be a bunch of others. Setterfield has been an automatic ones inclusion whenever he’s been fit pretty much, he’s obviously rated highly internally. Who is it that goes back to the twos when he and Perkins are fit, when Tsatas is a year more experienced?

We have depth right now. I think we can expect some of it to start being poached. Quality depth doesn’t just run around in the 2s forever until you need it, some other side nabs it for a 4th rounder and the promise of a seniors gig (exactly like we did for Setterfield)


It won’t be a popular opinion around here but I’d be really tempted to trade Hobbs at the end of the year.
A lot to play out this year of course, but I reckon like you say, someone will fall out (or be poached) at some point.

Hobbs could very well be our next captain if it doesn’t go to McGrath. I wouldn’t trade unless it’s helping you net a player like JUH.