2017 Draft picks actually picked

Zac Bailey to Brisbane
Ed Richards to Dogs

Oscar Allen.

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Dogs stacking up on defenders. Who the heck is going to kick their goals?

Zac will be happy with that


Jack Higgins to Richmond

uhhh wtf, pick 18 is the final selection in round 1…

well there you go gws pinga saga.

■■■■■■■ kill me.

Dunstall explained why there are 17 in the first round

Two compensation picks to Brisbane and Gold Coast coming next

Oh did it start?

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we’re about 2 hours away from our pick, settle in folks its gonna be bumpy.

Got at least 45 minutes until you need to start playing attention

Thing I’d love to know that we never will: who the first player to go will be that we though might slide to our pick.

Yes that would be fascinating.

I’ll start getting excited when other clubs are picking players I ranked after 48…hasn’t happened as yet.

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I’m all in on schloithe. its a top shelf word to pronounce.

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pick 48 nathan murphy…make it happen.

is it me, or is this like several magnitudes faster than last years?


Yup, no bidding slowing everything down.

Why the hell does dillon need to say who is next on the clock all the time