#25 Jake Stringer (Part 1)

Mark Twain: Reports of my perversion are greatly exaggerated


Well said

Lol…she must be very young, or very stupid, or both.


She is not well researched that’s for sure.

I can not believe that was published in a news paper…unbelievable rubbish


You must have a very short memory.


It does get to me that the basis of the article is that Abbey is left to raise the kids as if that’s some terrible affliction.

I know a lot of guys who’d love to have their kids living with them, but don’t get that choice.

Anyway, just one of those bugbears of mine in this supposed world of equal rights.


I’m in the minority here, but I think she has a fair point.

Jake shouldn’t get a free pass just because he’s moved clubs. We shouldn’t believe he’s turned the corner just because the club marketing department says so. I don’t want the sell on this from the club. I sure as hell don’t want to celebrate his redemption before he’s played a game for us.

If Caroline Wilson joined the Herald Sun for a “fresh start” would you forgive her instantly?

SWMNBN has actually written worse than this, but having done the dirty on her own husband, Willo can’t take a shot at Stringer. Instead some other gutter rat gets to run with it. Big ■■■■■■ deal. Pfft. l fart in your general direction!


How do think he should redeem himself though?

His name has been dragged through the mud more than enough. She’s not telling us something we don’t know already.

All he can do now is try and earn back the respect of the people he’s hurt and move on.

All this article does is sell newspapers which tells me more about her and the people she works for.

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Who’s forgiving him? He needs to start somewhere to get his life back on track and the word out of the club is that he is making positive steps. Good for him, it doesn’t mean he should forget what he did, it means he’s starting on the path to rectifying his life. At the end of the day it’s none of the publics business and I hope the club is helping behind the scenes with Jake his family and ex wife for any support they need.


If she’d been sued for slander, lost everything, was sacked by the Age, and THEN joined the Herald Sun … I wouldn’t necessarily forgive her, but I wouldn’t pretend she’d gotten away scot-free either.

Stringer has lost his family, a shiteload of money (if the gambling addiction allegations are correct), the respect of his ex-teammates at the Dogs, a bunch of friends, and has been publicly humiliated. He HAS suffered the consequences of his actions. What more do people want, blood?


Free pass from what !

Whatever Stringer did is in reality the business of his family. You can judge his morality but he did nothing illegal.

Glass-houses !


He can do that.

I’m more concerned about the club patting him on the back for doing sweet FA.

Who is forgiving him? The glowing PR being pushed by the club about him returning “fitter than ever” is a clear attempt to put a positive spin on his situation.

I don’t think he deserves it and would rather the club focus our PR efforts elsewhere.

People don’t want blood. Personally I’d just rather not celebrate him skipping a week in the US and losing a few pounds.

Who f*ckin wrote that article? Those kids are stringers life he does everything he can for his daughters. This person is making out asif he has just dumped them with his ex.
Wow wouldnt expect anything less from this paper.


She turned up a week early for her first week though! Plus she’s been training. Also #yess.

The club PR focuses on him as a footballer , as it Is doing with the other newbies. . If he is demonstrating commitment to his training regime, why not report it.?


I would prefer the club to write articles only updating us on his failed relationship.


I’d guess that Stringer, for all his poor decisions at a young age, didn’t set out to deliberately hurt people for his own gain. That’s more than can be said for some media reporters.